Exciting News!!

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Yay Colleen!!!!!!!!

See, sometimes men just need you to prod them. I hate to say it, but they do. Dave obviously got caught up in the whole ring thing--and don't mistake me, I think it's important--and didn't see that what was really important to you was the commitment and not the symbol. I'm so happy for you, and I can't wait to hear all about the plans!!


-- Anonymous, October 11, 1999


Yay, everyone's excited!

I also think Dave got really wrapped up in the ring thing, and I was glad that he got over it.

He told me that he really wanted to have it for me before we went on vacation, but the check didn't come in time. And then he later told me that he really wanted to give me the ring at the Grand Canyon. It would have been fabulous the day we hiked into the canyon.

But he did buy me a $10 silver and turcoise ring to keep the spot warm till he gets me the real thing. He's been out every day this week shopping for the ring and last night he said he thought he found what he wanted to get. He's just waiting for the deposit to clear the bank.

And the whole ring thing really didn't matter that much to me till last night. I went out with my friend Eileen and we were checking out watches for Dave (I'm buying him an engagement present) and then she was looking at diamond earrings and it turned into us looking at engagment rings. She's pretty bold and she was asking the clerk about them, checking the price and trying them all. So I did too.

And once I saw this one ring on my finger I was like "WOWZA, I'm really engaged." And I started to feel all flushed about it. I'm sort of excited about getting the thing now.

You'll all be the first to know!

And there will be NO chicken dance or hokey pokey at our wedding. Neither of us likes that stuff. But we are going to have a cool band that will play swing music and other stuff and we can all have a good time dancing. Dave and I are going to classes so we can show off for you all. I read about bands that will have swing Dancing lessons at the wedding, and I think that would be fun. I think it would be fun if they did it during the cocktail hour.

It is going to be a lot of fun!

This weekend we're gonig to check out a reception place and I'll let you all know how it is.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

You go, girl! Now you can buy all the bridal magazines in the world!

I think Mel is right -- Dave was having a little trouble seeing past the ring issue -- most guys do that. But you got through to him, Colleengirl, and now you are on your way!

So do we get to do the chicken dance at the wedding?

-- Anonymous, October 11, 1999

Woo-HOO!!! (Insert picture of Elizabeth jumping up and down and giggling like a schoolgirl in exitement)! Colleen, that is SUCH good news and the story of how it happened is PERFECT... it couldn't have been any other way with you two!! YAY!!

Oh, and Liz, there WILL be chicken dancing. I'm afraid Colleen doesn't really have a choice in the matter.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 1999

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