Where can i buy true original VCD in the internet?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i see a lot of sites but i want one that seel original VCD and Not pirate and Not locate in ASIA prefered in the USa.

-- SaSy Superior (bufeo@hotmail.com), October 09, 1999


try www.cdmovies.com and www.videocds.com

-- chen (chen_sw@hotmail.com), October 09, 1999.

If you are searching Hong Kong or Chinese VCDs, I buy from www.asiacd.com. Big selection!

-- Frank (taoifei@erols.com), October 09, 1999.

Anybody heard of www.coolvcd.com? Looks ok to me.

-- Andy (daxuex@hotmail.com), November 11, 1999.

I'd recommended www.videocds.com... as posted elsewhere, I ordered from them last Thursday and had my titles on Manday morning. And the customer service has been excellent thus far. :)


-- Steve (beepblip@hotmail.com), November 11, 1999.

I've used www.videocds.com and I have to agree the service and quality are superb but you are getting the malasian cut versions so if your film has any nudity or swearing its likly to be cut out of this release. I watched five recent films and didnt feel any the less for their absence.


-- Finlay Macrae (f_macrae@hotmail.com), November 16, 1999.

www.absmusic.com has the lowest price.

-- Ajax (ajax1972@hotmail.com), November 23, 1999.

I use www.coolvcd.com all the time, they are great. If for any reason you have a problem they replace the VCD, you don't even have to send it back. The customer service is wonderful, such nice people.

-- J. Keating (JAB0310@hotmail.com), November 23, 1999.

www.videocds.com and www.coolvcd.com is selling original but www.absmusic.com does have mix with pirated VCD. So Becareful!

-- vm (v_i_d_e_o@hotmail.com), November 23, 1999.

I am the manager for www.absmusic.com. And I challenged anybody who have purchased pirated product from this company to come forward with evidence. If this is mud throwing by my competitors selling VCD, shame to you.

As our company has our own credit card account, we can sell lower price than anybody. If the person writing the accusation do not retract the statement it means he is lying. We are planing to lower our latest VCD to $10.99. Starting 99-11-26 we will lower the price of latest release to $10.99.

We also have reason to believe that there have been imposters on this forum pretending to be customers but are actually sellers. Why is making an honest living so hard. I hope all puchasers of VCDs would enjoy the new price war. Thank you.

Big Daddy $10.99 Patch Adams $10.99 Meet Joe Black $11.99 Fear $10.99 Pushing Tin $10.99 Entrapment $10.99 Cruel intentions $10.99 Simply Irresistable $10.99 Planet of The Ape Series $10.99 Friends Series $10.99 8 mm $10.99 Blade $9.99 Matrix $9.99 Resurrection $9.99

-- absmusic (ray@absmusic.com), November 24, 1999.

Ray, Explain to me why your picture of VCD looks difference from the rest, It does look like pirated VCD covers

-- Vm (v_i_d_e_o@hotmail.com), November 24, 1999.

VM, do you mean to say that you came to the conclusion that absmusic sells pirated simply from the images they display on their site? Are you for real, man?

-- freeman (dhabri@yahoo.com), November 24, 1999.

I'm real sick of this same topic!

-- Vm (v_i_d_e_o@hotmail.com), November 24, 1999.

Well, we get some of our pictures from the official site and usually the cover is slighly different. Even mega online store like cdnow.com did that. Sometimes, our staff like to scan the other side of the cover when they think it looks better. If you own the original "Blade" VCD, the picture shown on our site is simply the other side of the cover.

Well, "The Matix" also have an alternative cover but we didn't use it. I hope this explain everything. We have had customers from all over the world and we only have had complaints with HK movies. The reason they are price so low because is because the quality is inferior, but they are getting better.

Another reason we do not want to price so high is because some of our movies have been censored. I hope I have clarify everything. Thank you for all your time. Without you guys our company won't exist.

-- Ray (ray@absmusic.com), November 24, 1999.

How can I buy vcd's on absmusic.com without using a credit card?

-- Julius Cesar Abundo (youth83@animeone.com), February 06, 2001.

Why would you wanna buy from them when they're already selling pirated VCD (stated cleary on other older messages). Go for www.videocds2000.com instead. Their shipping cost is probably the lowest one.

-- Craig Jericho (craigjericho@yahoo.com), February 26, 2001.

try here for a list of legal vendor sites


-- (winchesterferret@hotmail.com), May 30, 2001.

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