Recording speed? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've heard that the speed that the VCD is recorded could have an effect on the quality? Is this true? Doesn't the burner perform near perfect burns of the data? How severe is this quality diffrence?


-- FunOne (, October 09, 1999


Although it rarely has anything to do with it. Choosing a 1x speed instead of a faster one will result in a much better VCD. It also reduces the chances of a buffer overun. Mostly 2x will be fine as the data needs a steady stream to pack all the information without overloading the buffers.

-- The Lone Ranger (, October 09, 1999.

My experience has shown that recording at 1X produces best results. 2X recording results in jerkiness and blockiness. Copying at 2X works fine though.


-- Kevin (, October 09, 1999.

All very true. If you want to copy at a higher speed like 4x, get a 6x or 8x CD-R drive.

-- EMartinez (, October 12, 1999.

Copying VCD directly to CD-R using Panasonic(IDE 8X4) to read at 8X speed and Mitsumi(IDE 8X4X2)to write at 4X speed has never produced a single 'coaster', even with the cheapest CD-R and no noticable loss of any audio/video quality. Reputable manufacturers would not lie about the capacity in writing speeds of thier burners. Most successful and fastest method of copying VCD is using a burner unit to read and a second burner unit to write directly. Direct copying from CDROM drive to a burner unit must be made at much slower speeds and even then, most likely end up in a fiasco.

-- TOMO (, October 13, 1999.

Goto '' and look at the "Test Results" page for various CD-R brands, all written at 8X speed.

You will find that just about all brands of CD-R copied successfully with zero error, even for the 'cheapo Princo CDR-74'. Only a handfull of unpopular brands failed the 8X write speed test. The author had commented that these inferior discs would probably fail at 1X speed write also.

-- TOMO (, October 15, 1999.

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