Creating Video CD from pictures taken by digital camera : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi, I bought a Nikon Coolpix 950 recently. This can camera can store pictures either in TIFF or JPEG format. I am interested in storing the pictures on a CD, so that I can view them either on a PC or TV. How do I do this? WOuld Video CD do? If so, how do I create a video CD from TIFF or JPEG files?

Any information on this matter is appreciated.

Thanks Sarvani

-- Sarvani Andhavarapu (, October 06, 1999


You might try asking this question on "Steve's Digicams" site. There are a lot of techies over there who do this kind of stuff. Good Luck, Bob.

-- Bob Benson (, October 06, 1999.

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