Market Value of a 1950's MinoxB camera : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

I have a minoxb mini camera complete with measuring chain, case and tripod and flash attachments. All are in excellent shape. I don't know what the market value is. I don't want to sell but would like to know for my own sake. Please respond if you can help me out. Thank you, Penelope.

-- Penelope Briggeman (, October 05, 1999


It depends very much upon the condition of the equipment and market conditon, which changes from time to time. The easiest way to check out prices of Minox camera and equipment is go to, search for "Minox", you will get a list of Minox cameras, tripods, enlarger etc and its current bidding prices, that will give you an indication of the price range. Roughly a Minox B with case and chain but no box is about $130-150, black one much more, A B with "Wetzlar" stamp sells for more too. A tripod complete with case and shutter release cable is about $50-70.

-- martin tai (, October 06, 1999.

Just bought a B recently in very good shape for $175. no flash, tripod, etc.

-- Glenn Gundersen (, October 10, 1999.

See Gerald McMullon site

Minox camera collection

-- martin tai (, February 17, 2001.

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