YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! no stuttering anymore! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


Being through so many methodes before making a correctly working videocd has been a real pain.

I have tried various software - ligos, dvmpeg, adaptec ezcd pro 4.0, 3.5 and nero burning, but with absolutely no luck.

But finally I found a combination that works : pack with dvmpeg 5.0 and burn with adaptec ezcd pro 3.01b - woohoo!

Unfortunately that made me stuck with 30 cd's filled with music videos encoded with ligos lsx 2.51 that I couldn't use for making video-cd's :-(

but to my luck I have now found a solution to that too ..

Open the ligos-encoded (presumably vcd compliant) file with I-FilmEdit, check the "preferences/videocd mode/videocd" option and make/save the movie to disk again.

The resulting mpeg can now be burnt with Nero (newest version) and it works!!!!!

Oh, I'm so happy! :-)))))

If you need some more explanation to this, please ask away.

have a nice day, like me :)


-- Jakob Langgaard (, October 05, 1999


Btw. I have now found out that the new ligos 3.0 makes perfect mpeg's too :-) Perfectly burnable with Nero - so happy happy joy joy! ..


-- Jakob Langgaard (, October 08, 1999.

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