
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mount Brighton Ski Patrol : One Thread

Welcome! Well, what do you think? I hope that this area will become an a forum for many interesting discussions about the Ski Patrol. Enjoy. Jeff

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999


Kirk, Thanks for the feedback, and for correcting my URL typo in the mass e-mail I sent out. Doh! Also, you may want to start a new question for your AED question. That way, people will see it as a new topic on the first screen after signing in.

-- Anonymous, October 13, 1999

Hey!!! This really works!

-- Anonymous, October 12, 1999

Good job Jeff the site looks great.

Now let's talk about why we don't have an AED. If we don't have one why bother spending our time training on one? Why can't we get Area MAnagement to buy one?

-- Anonymous, October 13, 1999

3 CHEERS JEFF!!! Great Job!! AEDs are around - therefore we should know how to use them. Yes I believe the area should have atleast one. The most likely candidates to need its use are members of the patrol or management. walt

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

this website is fantastic! yes, we should encourage management to purchase an AED and train anyone and everyone in its use.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

Hey all you basics looking for a challenge! YOUR INVITED! We are getting a group together to "go for their Senior" in the fall! Interested? It's a BLAST! Give me a call & I'll fill you in on all the details. Suzanne Jarose 517-764-4704

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2000

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