Eye Statining

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I just got my first poodle..He is 5 mos. and ice white..However, I am desperately battling eye stain..It is a reddish color...I clean it everyday twice...Cannot get a hold on it...Please help...

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999


My vet solved the eye staining problem for me by suggesting I use POLYOTIC (brand name)tetracycline hydrochloride-Soluable Powder Antibiotic. I use 1/4 teaspoon in about 3 cups of water. This should be their only drinking source. It comes in a 6.4 oz package that costs me about $5.00 and will last for 6 months or more. My vet said it is virtually the same as some more expensive products that are packaged for dogs. This product is packaged for pigs. (I'm in a farming community) It is an atibiotic, because the eye stain is actually a bacteria. I have used it for two years and my dog's face is as white as snow. You do have to continue using it. I stopped for about a week once to see what would happen and the staining started to come back again. It is a very cheap but safe product and works great! Let me know if it works.

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

I misspelled my e-mail address Sorry.

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Wouldn't giving an antibiotic every day make other infections that could invade your dog immune to that antibiotic? I am in the healthcare field and over use of antibiotics is a "no-no". It causes resistance. That's why some infecions are only treatable with vancomycin and if that doesn't work then they have a vanc resistant strain and there may be NO ANTIBIOTIC for the infection and patients have been known to die just because of a urninary tract infection (for example, but true). I don't know what the answer to the problem is, because I have a poodle with eye staining also, but I would never give an antibiotic for more than 14 days.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

i HAVE BICHONS WITH THE SAME PROBLEM. I have been using the Poly otic for about three years. My dogs have not been sick, no signs that the immune system is compromized. Only thing to be very careful about is not giving it when dogs are pregnant or nursing. It will stain the incoming teeth of the pups. My vet recommended a pinch a day in liquid. I give it in a saucer of milk. They love it.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2002

I've had several people ask me about this in the grooming salon I work in. I finally found a Maltese website with some GREAT information on causes and 'cures'. Hope it helps! www.bhejei.com/tearsta.htm

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2002

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