Illegal? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Isn't it illegal for VCD stores in Malaysia to sell VCDs to US, Europe? I mean original VCDs. If it is not, then why don't the Malaysian distributors (such as Berjaya HVN, Speedy, etc) sell directly to these countries rather than selling to Malaysian dealers? If they sell overseas they can make a much bigger profit rather than trading in Malaysian Ringgit.
-- John (, October 02, 1999
Yes. It is illegal to sell it directly to the U.S. and Europe. If you do it online, you have to cover up the notice that says for Sale in Malaysia and Singapore only. Also in Hong Kong it is the same way. A small notice says For Sale in Hong Kong and Macau only.
-- The Lone Ranger (, October 02, 1999.
Thank you, Kimosabi. I did notice that some of the VCDs have this statement on the back cover - "For Sale in Malaysia only". So one way or another (even if I cover up the notice) it is still illegal to sell them online. videocds, video-cds, coolvcds...any comments? Sorry, I am not trying to be a party-pooper here but genuinely would like to know because I had toyed with the idea of selling online too. (Ooops...more competition!) But if it is wrong, then I guess I have to think again.
-- John (, October 02, 1999.
Not all VCD does have the restriction. Only some of the title due to the Movies studio want to control the release timing or because the specific region. If you are not from US and purchase DVD or VHS from Amazon. It is also consider Illegal. Right? Ranger? That's why DVD does have Region control but there are a of Asia and European purchase American/Canadian DVD because it is the cheapest, fastest release and better in quality.
-- Chen (, October 02, 1999.
John ( , Do you want to Join-venture?Why Malaysian companies cannot sell VCD to American where Amazon can selling cross region
-- chen (, October 02, 1999.
VCDs have no region restrictions but movie studios want to protect thier investments. Placing restrictions on VCDs prevents some U.S. store from selling them and making money off the VCD when they should be selling the DVD and VHS versions. Of course, a lot of places in Chinatown still sell them.Region restrictions for DVDs prevent theater owners from losing money to the newly released DVD. After all Wild Wild West will be out on DVD in the U.S. while Europe is still running it in the theater. Amazon is legally not allowed to sell cross-region. Importing a Region 1 movie into Region 5 is illegal.
Distributors sell to dealers because it is part of profit making. you do not sell directly to a customer. You sell to a store owner who in turn sells it to the customer. If a store owner decides to sell outside of that country fine. So long as someone convers up the notice on the back or uses a label that states the import is legal. The label in Malaysia is sometimes green and explains what the item is. This makes the item legally transportable to any country. Of course this adds to cost so instead they print out their own labels with the company logo and cover up the restrictions.
-- The Lone Ranger (, October 02, 1999.
Importing DVD form Amazon Region 1 to rest of the world other than US/CA. is consider illegal why does Amazon allow to sell?
-- chen (, October 02, 1999.
Wouldn't it make more sense (and money) for Malaysian distributors to sell to store owners in US/Europe where the big money is? Why don't they do that?
-- John (, October 02, 1999.
Distributor means distributing, If they do that they are direct sales like what DELL is doing, no channel of reseller. What they did is, they form another subsidiary to do that . One sells in USD and another 2 sell in Malaysia Dollar (not so popular) . Email me and I will give you these three sites.
-- chen (, October 03, 1999.
I don't think Amazon is doing anything illegal. It is not some back- alley bookstore but one of the biggest internet companies. It would be very foolish for them to attempt something illegal and do it openly. If they were doing illegal business openly, they would be in court by now and probably out of business.
-- (, October 03, 1999.
Chen listen. Amazon does not sell DVDs to Asia, Europe, or anywhere outside of the United States. Chen if you bought a Region 1 disc from Amazon. Prove it to me. I highly doubt that they do. Reel will reject an order if outside of hte U.S. as will DVDExpress and DVDEmpire.Also, I have learned that the reason those little notices appear is because the movies are intended for that country's TV system. PAL.
-- The Lone Ranger (, October 04, 1999.
Bottom-line. Is it illegal or not for a Malaysian VCD online store to sell to USA, Europe etc.?
-- (, October 04, 1999.
It is an agreement between the distributor and the Movies studio. It is non an agreement between Reseller and movies studio. It is a very grey aread. NOT all Original does not allow to export cross region. Only when it is stated about 30%. What the Movies studio can do it to revoke the distributor licenses but why would they want to do that when they have something else more serious like pirated VCD to handle. The restriction is to provide fairness for all their distributor in each country. All Video are not allow for import/export. Same applies to Amazon but they are still doing. You are not allow to buy VCD From Hongkong and sames goes with Hongkong People cannot buy DVD from Amazon. Amazon did stated it is for US/Canada but they still sell it to you. eg. Same goes with Malasia, Sigapore and hongkong video. If DVDexpress and amazon DVD are only for US/Canada and they still sell it to everywhere in the world, why can't Hongkong, Malaysia, singapore sell original to world wide, unlese there are double standard....conclusion...E-commerce does eliminated the border. By right, Amazon does not allow to sell book to any part of the world except American becuase it is not fair for other country distributors.
-- chen (, October 04, 1999.
Rubbish - I'm in Z4, and buy Z1 from DVDEXpress all the time.Ciao
-- jAMES bOND (DOCcORTEX@HOTMAIL.COM), June 04, 2001.
Is it illegal to buy illegal VCDs over the internet?
-- Charlie Lovell (, January 06, 2002.
Hello, I am looking for source who can supply me cheap DVDs(region 1) from overseas. I live in the US. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
-- HH (, January 20, 2003.
Hello people. I live in region 2 and i want to know if i buy region 1 DVD, for instance, does i have access to the subtitles of my country, spanish for example?
-- B00gieman (, January 31, 2003.
There is multi-region DVD (original) that are for sale and that should be alright.But do watch out for the fake/pirated multi-region DVD.
Also another factor is now Multi-region PLAYER is getting very popular. So in 1-2 years, the DVD manufacturers will certainly be changing price to reflect on this new trend.
Sadly, in Malaysia, the movie industry is always hitting a deadlock with the Govt banning various movies. e.g. Price of Egypt (it's a cartoon for crying out loud - apparently the Govt are hysterical or paranoid that the Malays will be converted to Christianity just by watching a cartoon)
George Michael's song "Jesus to a Child" is sold as ".. To A Child" in Malaysia. The audio part "Jesus" is edited out.
Daredevil Movie - is banned. Supposedly too violent for mild-mannered pigeon holed Malaysians. Poor souls.
Zoolander (comedy) - is banned. In fact this movie is about a good Malaysian Prime Minister trying to protect the citizens. Why are they banning it? I guess they hope we have an evil PM instead of a good one. Childish? No .. diaperish.
The Govt wanted all religion to use Bahasa as the language. So when the other religion used God as "Allah" (meaning Almighty in Arabic), they forbade it. So the greedy ones keep God to themselves. Didn't God mentioned he is supposed to be shared amongst every one of His creation? Selfless.
-- den (, February 22, 2003.
Hello, It is illegal to sell DVDs or Vcd s out of your country due to the region agreements. They made this agreements because there is a different release dates of movie in different countries. Like if some movies are just released in united states, you can buy a dvd for them from countries like uk and other. So that makes a great loss for their movies. That's why they set up region codes, but I wonder now they sell DVDs with Multi Regions!!! I dont know it is legal or not to import or export them!!! You can Import dvds for your personal use not for sell.
-- Rick (, April 10, 2003.
Hi all,I am looking for low cost region 1 DVD movie titles from Malaysia that are legit. Any help would be great!
-- Jay Bea (, May 28, 2003.
I am not sure if there are legal DVD's in Malaysia because I have heard that this country is on the top of the list for pirated DVD's. I suspect that there are legal DVD's in every country but it can be very hard to tell the difference. You need to make sure that all DVD's have a registration code on the inner ring and that they contain the correct information for the movie studio, including correct address.
-- Steve (, September 07, 2003.
Sorry to confirm that the cheap VCD and DVD from Malaysia are all pirated discs.
-- elena (, September 23, 2003.