still haveing MMSYSTEMFAULT296 on Xing MPEG : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
When I try to run VCD with Xing MPEG Player 3.30 a message pops up saying: MMSYSTEMFAULT296.I have a Pentium 200 MMX and one 24x Cd-rom and a HP 8100i plus cd-r. I use windows 95. I have both easy cd creator deluxe 3.5 and Nero burning rom 4.0 installed. I have tried to uninstall both nero and easy cd creator. It does not solve myproblem. I have tried to take one cd-player out of my computer. It does not solve my problem. I have tried to run VCDs with Active Movie and VCD Player 5.0. It does not work. I have the scsi1hlp.vxd in my Windows/system/Iosys directory, but I cant copy .dat files to my harddrive. I have these drivers located under Multimedia Control Panel:[MCI]Autodesk Animation 1.10 [MCI]QuickTime for Windows [MCI]ViSCA VCR ActiveMovie MCI Driver CD-audio MPEG Video MIDI sequencer PIONEER laser-disc Wave audio Xing MPEG MCI driver
!!!I have the scsi1hlp.vxd in my Windows/system/Iosys directory, but I can4t copy .dat files to my harddrive.!!!
Please help me to solve this
-- Lars Lernestel (, October 01, 1999
Uninstall Xing. Uninstall Active movie. Restart you machine. Install Xing again. Should that not work: If you are using Win98 reformat your hard drive and reinstall Win98. Then Install a different VCD player not XING. If you using Win95 install another movie player but do not use Active Movie.
-- The Lone Ranger (, October 01, 1999.