Looking for Jurassic Park & JP: Lost World on VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anyone know where I can find these? I'm looking for widescreen in English without subtitles. Thanks!

-- Rose (mod2000@go.com), October 01, 1999


The only way to get these movies without sub-titles is to buy pirated versions. Also many pirates will not state if it is widescreen or not. You are better off buying the tapes if you want widescreen. Otherwise, purchase a pirate and get a pan and scan copy.

-- The Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), October 01, 1999.

oh that's right i have jp111 it's pretty dam cool infact

-- aussieguy (cheapvcdman@hotbot.com.au), August 22, 2001.

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