new URL (though old one works just fine) : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hey you all! Long time ... I know! I'll catch you all up on news later. For now ... a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT:Tripod has redone their URLs. The old one still works (and will, for as long as time exists, I think), but there is a shorter, easier URL to my VP pages now: gets you to my pages. (Exile is at:
As a precautionary, you may want to change your VP "favorite places," in case Tripod stops making the pages forward correctly to the new address.
Cheers! --Editrix (dang, it's good to be back online)
-- Editrix (, September 28, 1999
Hey lady.......long time no see!!Just was thinking about you today too! I know...I know...everyone says that....but I was. Thinking about how I havent been in Exile lately.....but then one has. We need to have a party sometime soon!
-- SunFlower Girl (, September 28, 1999.