Finding a serial cable for Agfa ephoto 1680 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I bought my Agfa 1680 from a private party ad a great price, with the one omission of a the serial cable for connecting the camera to a PC. I have the Mac adapter for that cable, but no cable. Where, besides Agfa, can I find such a cable. I wouldn't even mind making one, if I knew the connections. HELP!!!

-- Salvatore Parascandolo (, September 27, 1999


Ok, first of all, I have no idea where besides Agfa you could get that cable. But instead of worrying about that cable, I would instead look into buying a Sandisk Imagemate (or similar brand) parallel or USB port card reader. The run for about $60 and the download speed is a LOT faster than serial.

-- David Erskine (, September 28, 1999.

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