Did you watch the SNL special?

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Did you enjoy it? Did the special guests give you hives? How many times did you want to say, "Fire your agent"?

Or am I just a grumpy old Adam Sandler hating fuddy duddy? Do you like the show? Or have you, like me, defected for MadTV?

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999


I also was looking forward to the SNL 25th anniversary special. I've still got the 15 year special on tape - and it holds up pretty well.

I don't know if it's just that the last 10 years of SNL have sucked sufficiently to taint the entire (way too long) 25th Annivery show, but - man was that hard to watch. It felt like work. Boring boring work.

And the music segments used way too many of the exact same clips from the 15 year special. Puh-leez. (Okay - some, like the Elvis Costello Radio Radio moment warranted repeating) But,overall, the music clips didn't fairly represent the kind of excitement that the original performances exuded.

Overall, a stinky use of a videotape. Guess I'll go tape Road Rules over it tonight. C.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

Sorry, I got so sick of the constant hype for the 25th anniversary that I boycotted it. To me, SNL will always be John Belushi, Jane Curtain, Chevy Chase, and that crowd. There are occasional funny bits, but nothing compared to the groundbreaking humor of the first three years. It's like panning for gold---you have to pan through an awful lot of unfunny stuff to get anything that even makes you crack a smile.--Al

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

Letsee. The *beginning* of Murray's lounge act was funny but in the recent SNL tradition with anything funny, the let it drag on forever. Christopher Walken's question "How much of the show is scripted and how much are just, ya know, crazy make-em-ups?" was funny. I don't remember much of the 180 minutes after that...

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

...after reading everyone else's responses, i'm now not so bummed that i missed it...besides, phil hartman was my only SNL love...

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

Overall, I enjoyed the thing. But did it seem to anyone besides me that the musical numbers and clips of musical numbers took up more than their fair percentage? This made me suspicious. They are releasing a 2 CD recording of performances from the show, and it seemed to me they might've been putting the whole thing on in an effort to boost sales. I had never seen Eddie Murphy singing "Hot Tub" before, I don't think. I feel like I'm more culturally literate today than yesterday.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

Not ever having seen SNL before moving to the USA, I finally get some of the references. And am astounded at how many people were on the one show that I've seen in other things.

I agree with Beth for one of the funniest moments, Victoria Jackson just hit the right pitch. Chris Rock also worked for me, although they should have let him really rip the bloat to shreds.


-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

Well, I watched the first hour... then switched over to the Season Premiere of 'The Practice'. Seems like I didn't miss much?

-- Anonymous, September 28, 1999

No, I never liked SNL that much and we don't have cable so we don't have TV.

Pamie asked people about their memories of the show and reading through them made me realized that a) I have actually missed some funny things over the years and b) I probably don't care.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 1999

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