exporting picture info into database

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I like the fact that my Nikon CP950 stores picture information with each file, regarding shutter, aperature, date, time, and all camera settings about the picture, but I need to export these comments into a text file, and even better directly into FileMakerPro for easy cataloging.

I cannot figure out how to do this, other than open Comments in GraphicConverter and copy>paste then copy and paste into each field in the database. WAY too much effort for more than a thousand pictures! Can someone tell me how to do this in a batch export? Is there a utility that will do this?

Thanks! . paul

-- Paul S (zeugma@sonic.net), September 24, 1999


PIE is the answer to your delima. It is a super shareware program that allows you to view the pictures and all the info saved with the jpeg. The viewer is so fast it is unbelievable. Not only is the program great the cost is only $18. Go to www.hoju.de for info.

-- Dave Clark (Daveclark@prodigy.net), September 24, 1999.

Thanks! But PIE is a "PC" only program. I need a similar program for Macintosh to export digital camera information. So my search continues...

-- Paul S (zeugma@sonic.net), September 25, 1999.

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