Water plant unexpectedly shuts down

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Siuslaw News - Florence OR 1999-09-22 Water plant unexpectedly shuts down

The City of Florence water treatment plant
experienced what Public Works Director Ken
Lanfear referred to as a "burp" of unknown
origin last Sunday, causing the plant to
temporarily shut down.

. . .

A slightly-larger-than-normal amount of chlorine
and potassium permanganate into the water system,
but the levels were not unsave, Lanfear said.

. . .

The pland is programmed to restart after a power
or computer shutdown, Lanfear said, but apparently
that part of its programming did not work this
time and the plant was shut down for approximately
18 hours.

. . .

The public works department is working to find
out why the shut down happened.

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), September 23, 1999

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