GSE - ML+MT - GTE? can't decide! : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Looking for a Minox 35 I found several models that are to sell. So, I got the choice...Which of the following offers should I prefer?
Modell Price age remarks GSE ~150$ #GSE9003173 ML ~150$ 10-12y flash MT inclusive! GTE ~175$ 2y
Please send me information! Personal opinions and experiences wellcome.
-- Hubert Ling (, September 23, 1999
Hubert, get the GT-E, It has a better lens-- Minoxar 35mm/2.8 lens which is multicoated, vs Minotar lens of GSE and ML.Minoxar lens is sharper.
-- martin tai (, September 23, 1999.
Minox 35ML was designed byProf Richard Fischer
-- martin tai (, June 23, 2001.