Noctilux 50mm f/1 shots : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Ah, what the heck. Thought I'd post my latest Noctilux shots for you to look at. Went to a wake this month in Fairbanks for my friend Tom Rowinski in Fairbanks, Alaska. I took my M6 and Noct. to the wake/party which included a huge bonfire. Here are three that I just put up. I used Photoshop to add a color cast to protray the color of the bonfire. Each color is different, but I don't know which is better.


What do you think?

-- Tony Rowlett (, September 21, 1999


Four additional Noctilux shots have been posted to

-- Tony Rowlett (, June 30, 2000.

Tony, I liked the photos, great selective focus. Question, having lived in Alaska myself, when you were shooting on the longest days of the year with 3200 ISO film, did you have a problem max'ing out the highest shutter speed? As I recall, it doesn't get totally dark this time of the year. Judging from the depth of field, it appears that you were at or close to f1. I am often forced to use a smaller stop than I want when all I'm using is ISO 100 with my summicron. Again, nice shots! Al

-- Al Smith (, June 30, 2000.

At 1/1000th I had to "stop down" a bit for a lot of the shots, though I believe the ones I posted were actually at f/1. I shot at EI 1600 and being so far hidden in the trees I was able to shoot mostly wide open. I still kind of wish I had 1/2000th or faster sometimes.

-- Tony Rowlett (, July 01, 2000.

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