Do you celebrate meaningless anniversaries? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Had any milestones lately?Where were you a year ago? Ten years ago? Do you attach significance to the dates?
-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999
Milestones? No...not that I care to talk about, anyway. But the puppy butt-tucking, yes! Jake does that, just as you described it, Beth, only we call this phenomenon the "zoomies". I used to think Jake tucked his butt and put his tail between his legs to avoid knocking things over (like the couch) but maybe not....if Doc does it in the great outdoors. Anyway, it is hilarious and like you said, it seems to convey one thing: pure happiness and exhuberance. Gotta love that in a dog.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999
Gosh, Beth, I thought a butt tuck was what the plastic surgeon gives you after you grow into this old person like me. (Speaking of plastic surgery... a friend of mine had that recently done and now he has one of those dimples on his chin like Kirk Douglas. It use to be his belly button. Just kidding...)I have my own human version of giddiness. It starts when I hear some good boogying music. I just gotta dance. There are these steps I do when I get such a natural high from moving to the music. I call it 'Snoopy Dancing'. I got it from the "Peanuts" newspaper cartoon character. My feet get to shuffling the way Snoopy's do when Charles Schultz draws him dancing. I am the old fart dancing machine, I am.
Everyone should take heed to those dogs, Doc and Snoopy, and get giddy once in a while.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999
We just celebrated our anniversary, which is the anniversary of when we started going together. We got married in April but I think the started going together anniversary will continue to be the one to observe. I don't think it means a lot, but it's interesting to keep track.I don't attach significance to dates, but I like to be aware of things. It's interesting to look back and see patterns, or remind myself it's been ten years since that awful ex boyfriend, stuff like that. I actually have a little grid that I put in Excel where I note down things that feel like landmarks. For this month, it will probably be:
Layoffs at work Obsessing over party in October Truck broke down in Manteca
I just checked and a year ago this month was when we saw the Squirrel Nut Zippers. That's significant because it means it's been a whole year since we had a Big Night Out, as you asked about the other day. Also a year since I got orthotics (meaning a year without horrible pain in my feet yay) and a year since my mom got her Imac. not significant, just interesting.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999
If something semi-important happens, I'll usually keep track of the length of time since then for about a month. "Damn, it's been a week since Travis and I went to Country Thunder." That kind of thing. Then I forget.
I celebrate every month of Travis' and my anniversary. I always preface the 13th of every month with "Honey... do you know what tomorrow is?"
"The Brickyard?"
"Besides that."
"Sunday the what?"
"Aw, hell. Our... uh... 7 month anniversary?"
"That's right! Happy Anniversary!"
"Will you tape The Brickyard for me as a present?"
I reminded him the other day that it's almost been a year since we've known each other (September 27th). Surprisingly, he remembered. Good, honey. Way to go.
-- Anonymous, September 21, 1999
Well, there's two parts to this. Jake and I used to do the happy month-a-versary thing for the first year taht we were together. We agreed that we would ONLY do it for the first year that we were together... BUT... I still do it, mainly as a joke...
Ya see? I used to know this chic in High School and the beginning of JC. She had one of those teenaged calendar books. I think it was for like 90210 or something... Always had one from high school AND in Junior college... and EVERY month she would write down the month-a-versary that she had been with her then boyfriend. Swear to you. They were together for FIVE years. 63 month-a-versary. What the HELL?!? GROW UP, for pete's sake!
So I do that to Jake all the time to just poke fun at this person that I don't even have contact with anymore. *GriN* I'm SUCH a bitch.
-- Anonymous, September 21, 1999