Fast Company Article # 9, Will R. Yliniemi : LUSENET : M.Ed./Extension Forums at UMD : One Thread

Basic/Skills / Fast Company / Journal Project, Will R. Yliniemi  September 17, 1999

Fast Company Article # 9, The New Face of Office Politics by Polly Labarre, October 1999 Issue Fast Company, Page 80


John Eldred, a teacher and consultant, states that: If you think that the rise of fast- paced competition means the demise of organizational politics, well, think again. Eldred states that politics is simply how power gets worked out on a practical, day-to-day basis and that people in organizations demonstrate power in every conversation, every decision, and every interaction.

As a consultant, Eldred, tries to help people live amid competing agendas and imperfect information. He states that politics is not about defeating others; its really about tapping into possibilities for action that solve problems and that the more change there is, the more the political quotient goes up.

Eldred contends that the biggest political mistake is to assume that organizational politics dont exist. Its often described differently depending on which side of the issue you end up on. If you win on an issue, we call it leadership and, if we lose, we call it politics.

The ultimate form of politics is what Eldred calls intrapsychic politics which involves knowing who you are, what your goals are, and how to handle yourself in the midst of conflict. This will help you decide which battles are worth fighting. Politics is a practice. Dealing well with it requires preparation and learned skills and networking. It also means knowing the people you work with and realizing everybody has something to contribute and that everyone  even your boss - needs help. Eldred concludes that effective politics is about reaching mature compromises and that politics isnt about winning at all costs but rather its about maintaining relationships and getting results at the same time.


I was intrigued with this article because it so completely exposed the myth by which many have concluded that if you work in a flat organizational system, or in conceptualized team format, politics will be minimized and power centers and individual politics will disappear. The Extension Service, as with any organization, must grasp the meaning of politics and understand how to direct politics toward strengthening relationships and getting results, at the same time.

Not acknowledging the fact that each of us demonstrates power in every conversation, every decision, and every interaction- reduces effectiveness and retards both personal and organizational growth. I accept Eldreds statement that politics is not about defeating others; its really about tapping into possibilities for action that solve problems.


In discussing the article with several of my political cronies, it was concluded that being political certainly has varying connotations for different people. But all agreed that everyone has a political agenda at all times. The key is to direct your inner/outer politics into knowing who you are, what your goals are and how will you handle yourself in conflict situations.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 1999

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