I need a Telephoto lens for my CP950, any suggestions?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just received my CoolPix950. Now I need a Telephoto lens for it and I have no idea what the options are. I've scanned several sites on the net and have gotten no good ideas. What is everyone out there using on their CP950's? Thanks, Bob.

-- Bob Benson (benson@gbasin.com), September 16, 1999


Try ckcpower.com , they have a 37mm adapter for the CP 950 which lets you use many common camcorder lenses. I use a Tiffen telephoto and a Sony wide angle lens. The tiffen lens has a 46mm end on it so you can add polarizers and other common filters. There is a telephoto from Nikon but it's kind of expensive and you get more versatility from the 37mm adapter.

-- Cris Daniels (danfla@gte.net), September 16, 1999.

I just ordered a Kenko 8X32 Monocular from CKC Power http://www.ckcpower.com (tell Tom, Jameson from CA sent you). The lens is compact and gives you a 430mm ~ 920mm optical zoom. WOW! They're on back order 'til December but you can check out the sample pics on Tom's website. He also has other teleconverters if that one is too big. Good Luck! Jameson

-- Jameson (thunderpic@lanset.com), November 18, 1999.

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