Playing and recording Joust, Robotron and others : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

This message is for all who haven't figured out the Williams F2 requirement. More specifically this message is to newcomer Robert McElwee...sorry, Robert, but the e-mail addy that came with your letter kept bouncing back.

When starting Joust (or Bubbles or Robotron,etc.), you need to hit the F2 button once you've reached the "factory settings restored" screen. This will send you swiftly to the game you are trying to play and/or record.


-- JoustGod (, September 15, 1999


One other note is you have to be carefull (i think at least i needed to earlier) recording these F2 games with a cfg file. You'll notice that once you do the F2 before a normal play, and then quit the game (esc) and play the same game again you won't have to hit F2 again because something was saved in the cfg, but recording it in this state may not let it playback again because the recording won't have the F2 press recorded. So I think it's safest to del the joust.cfg or robotron.cfg before recording, and always do the F2 with the record to ensure playback. (maybe you don't need to do this anymore?)

-- Chad (, September 15, 1999.

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