..............................................................................................PUT YOUR CHURCH ON THE MAP!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

You're at the grocery store... you have just met someone and told them about your church... they seem interested...

"Hey, take a look at our web page," you remember to say, "It has a map, some good articles, worship schedule..." "What's the address?" the prospect asks. "Uh..." you stammer, "Let's see, http://members.aol.com/mypage/mainstreetchristianchurch.html"

OK, maybe this is a little bit "stretched"... but wouldn't it be easier to say "just go to TheChristianChurch.com ?

Now you can! There are a limited number of spaces available at TheChristianChurch.com for churches that want their web page to be EASY TO FIND with an address that is EASY TO REMEMBER!

This permanent website address can be yours for a one-time set-up fee of $50! This will be your address until the Lord returns! But wait! There's more! You also get a permanent email address, like joe@thechristianchurch.com, or northside@thechristianchurch.com, or whatever you choose!

What? Your church doesn't have a web page yet? Hey! Get with the times! When you secure your spot at TheChristianChurch.com we will put you in touch with some Christian webmasters who will design your website for free!

So what are you waiting for? EMAIL US NOW before someone else snags your spot!

-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999


Response to It's time to put YOUR CHURCH on the map!

Only 7 spots left!

-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999

Response to It's time to put YOUR CHURCH on the map!

Save a spot for me! I'll get it OK'd at church tomorrow! Free web design, Lifetime hosting and email for 50 bucks? What's the catch?

-- Anonymous, September 11, 1999

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