Egypt: status (think Suez Canal) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

You'll love the report on Egypt Air's non-critical" systems. By the way, this is the latest information available--no news on whether the July, August and September deadlines were met.

Plans of Action

First Phase: Awareness (Jun. 1, 1998)

Second Phase: Inventory (Jul. 1, 1998 to Aug. 31, 1998)

Third Phase: Assessment Phase (Sep. 1, 1998 to Oct. 31, 1999)

Fourth Phase: Remedy Phase: (Nov. 1998 to Feb. 1999)

Fifth Phase: Test phase (Mar. 1, 1999 to Jun. 30, 1999)

Six phase follow up for

- Remedy for residual non-compliant cases.

- Implementation, Testing and fixing.

- Preparation, Documentation and training on Contingency planes. (July 1,99 - Dec. 31,99 ).

Totals in Governmental Sector

P.C Computer 108454

Minicomputer 2327

Mainframe Computer 166

Applications 7362

Embedded Systems 9542


- Total available Y2K free Power 12.72 GW

= 88% of installed capacity

= 120% of peak load

The expected data for total rest of generators to be compliant is 30/9/1999.

P.C Computer 100%

Minicomputer 88%

Mainframe Computer 100%

Applications 94%

Embedded Systems 88%

Average Readiness for IT components 94%

Average Readiness for Embedded Systems 94%

All Systems will be Ready before end of October 99

All Governmental Sectors are preparing Contingency plan for emergency situation.


P.C Computer 98%

Minicomputer 100%

Mainframe Computer 100%

Applications 99%

Embedded Systems 99%

Concerning the systems of high importance which have not been complied yet, there was a contact with the supplier to complete the compliance process. These systems are expected to be compliant by 31/7/1999.

Transport & Communications

P.C Computer 100%

Minicomputer 99%

Mainframe Computer 100%

Applications 96%

Embedded Systems 97%

Civil Aviation Authority

The following system are ready & tested:-

1 - Air field data preparation system (AFDPS).

2 - Air information data preparation system (AIDPS).

3 - Air craft communication central system (ACCS).

All the navigation on airports are secured from any harm Y2K defects and by end of June all other equipment which are to be replaced will be ready before the end of August 1999.


Most of central exchange for local & international communications are now ready.

Egypt Air

All systems are ready except the following non critical systems

On board entertainment system

training Simulator

hospital equipment

They will be ready in 31/7/1999.

P.C Computer 100%

Mainframe Computer 100%

Applications 99%

Embedded Systems 99%

Suez Canal Organization

The equipment of navigation control posts are considered ready.

Ship movement, collective monitoring & data logining system does not control navigation and has no impact on safety of ships, but it is useful in keeping the historical information of the voyage of such ships.

That means the navigation on Suez Canal is completely secure from Y2K and all other Equipment will be compliant by the end of August.

There is contingency plan for emergency for emergency situation.

Central Bank (ECB)

All ECB systems (Banking) Accounting and statistical programs & systems were tested. They proved compliant systems under work circumstances of the year 2000.

Bank Association

All banks are now ready and implementing the Y2K compliant system. Now all banks are documenting and exercising the contingency plans

Health Care Sector

-All the IT system are ready.

-More than 90% of the medical care devices ( Embedded systems ) are reported to be ready by the device vendors.

-The reported non-compliant medical care devices will be used under contingency environment.

Water &Waist -Water Sector

-All the IT system are ready.

-The water purification, Anti-contamination storage and pumping are non-date sensitive.

-Monitoring systems ( SCADA - system ) does not affect the water supply and its remediation is in progress.

-- Old Git (, September 09, 1999

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