Need Quick Replies: Major Oil Y2K Project : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

Because the grid depends on oil...

If you could sit down with the head of a major oil company's Y2K project and ask him one question, what would it be? Serious replies only, please, and quickly...

Scott Johnson
Editor, y2ktoday

-- Scott Johnson (, September 09, 1999

Critt (Scott, Mea Culpa. I'm putting your response email on this.)

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999


Have you done rollover tests on refining facilities?

(The critical subissue, "Can we keep the trains running?" Refineries are the most critical link in the chain. In a pinch, we have lots of ways to get oil to the refinery and lots of ways to get it from the refinery. The number 2 issue is delivery of bulk natural gas, but that seems to be controlled by so many third parties that any answers from an oll company would not be meaningful.)

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

How have you tested the embedded chips in your refinieries, drilling platorms, and large producuing wells. Do you even know where they are? How do you get to the impossible to reach ones without tearing down your plants?

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

"Do you know anything of import about the Y2K status of your project which you would not or could not state publicly?"

Then I'd watch his eyes.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

How are you distributing the oil? I understand that Oil tankers are having lots of trouble with Embedded Chips and they are working on the fix at fail idea. Also to add to the previous response: How do you check embedded chips that are on deep sea water platforms (some located 100s of feet underwater)?

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

Critt for Scott, Assuming what you want from the one question is an answer that will give you an indication of the companies readiness, then whew...that's a tough order for one question! But hey, I'm game, I'll give it a shot..

"Have you tested of all of your mission critical high level control systems, such as Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and SCADA systems using the 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000 rollover test dates AND the 12/30/1999 to 12/31/2000 rollover test dates?"

In the above question, I have addressed only the highest risk systems and highest risk dates. I have found that some companies and even manufacturers haven't tested for the 12/30/1999 to 12/31/2000 rollover. This is a much higher risk date than the 9/9/1999 date that almost everyone DID test for. A number of software programs (and even some firmware in embedded systems) have had problems with this date - I have found two myself, although the problems were minor in these cases. Since this is a leapyear problem (the programs weren't programmed expecting to see that 366th day in the year 2000 leapyear)it is likely that the such software will also fail the 2/28/2000 to 2/29/2000 rollover test date (which most are testing for as well), so this may detect the problems, however it is also possible that a minor problem on the 2/29 rollover will be acceptable, but the rollover to 12/31/2000 may not be quite as never know unless you test...


-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

Let me fix the century error above...

"Have you tested of all of your mission critical high level control systems, such as Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and SCADA systems using the 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000 rollover test dates AND the 12/30/2000 to 12/31/2000 rollover test dates?"


-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

Laymen Here......

I would want to know what the company's situation in foreign countries where they operate and also to the best of his knowledge what the situation with those countries infrastructure is.

I agree with Bonnie, "Then I'd watch his eyes." The key is to watch the eyes very carefully in conversation prior to and following the question to get a good read. I believe the eyes tell the truth better than the mouth sometimes.

Good luck and please post a follow up on your meeting if indeed you are having one.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

One hard question? How about several???

-How many ESSENTIAL embedded chips do you guarantee will work?

-What percentage of functionally required *embedded chips* DO YOU THINK WILL ACTUALLY -POSSIBLY- FAIL? And what would be the implications??

-How much foreign oil do you think we will continue to have?? From countries minimallly compliant via ships & ports that look problematic...??

My question is - why are you even ASKING these questions??


-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

I would chime in about the embedded stuff. At this date, the question would have to be: May I see a written copy of your contingency plan? Ripples in a pond...

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

I would ask:

1) What is the most difficult Y2K problem your company is still facing and: To what extent do you think it will still be a problem on 1/1/2000?

2) What is the likelihood that oil flow through pipelines will be disrupted because electrical outages in rural areas (caused by fix on failure policies of some rural electric co-operatives) will disable pipeline pumps? How serious a potential problem is this?

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

Did your testers actually test the embedded systems in your refineries, pipes, tankers, or did they take vendors at their word?

Who audited them?

What percentage of your crude comes from foreign sources and what is the extent of your exposure to disruption of this supply based on that nation's status?

-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999

I would want to know, among many other things, how much of their "testing" was "type" testing or "vendor assurance" only.

-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999

If they are a distributor of oil or oil products:How long could your company operate if the flow of imported oil was seriously restricted?

If they are a producer of oil (oil well drilling): Have you assessed and tested your equipment and insured that the specialized private companies that work at your rigs have tested their equipment for y2k compliance?

-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999

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