What should YOU be doing with your extra thirty minutes a day?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
What things do you know you should do, but you just don't make the time?I should spend half an hour a week giving myself a minor manicure, because my nails always look like hell. I should deep condition my hair. I should groom my cat. I should weed my garden. I should mop the kitchen floor.
Now I'm depressed.
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
WHAT extra 30 minutes??? I exercise during lunch, I write at night, in between waiting on the kids, I work, I... But if they lengthened the day, I suppose I should be doing more picking up around here at home.--Al
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
Exercise and eat lunch and/or breakfast. I should really try to get up a little bit earlier so that I have time to eat in the morning. (I have to take medication first thingin the morning and then wait an hour before eating, which is what makes this complicated as a confirmed nightowl)I should really try even harder to make myself GET UP FROM MY DESK at lunchtime and GO EAT.
Most often I forget and work straight through without even blinking and then can't figure out why I'm starving at 5pm.
I eat awfully little for a fat chick.
I was good this morning though. I set my alarm for 7:30 and woke up, took my medecine and went back to sleep. This meant that when I actually GOT up around 9 or so, I was able to eat breakfast: one organic red delicious apple. Just about all I can stomach before noontime.
As for exercise - it falls into the same category as lunch. What I should be doing is spending 30 mins on the exercise bike and then eating lunch for a half hour afterwards.
But since I forgot lunch, the gym is even harder to remember.
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
Flossing.Watering and deadheading the plants. I got all fired up and planted them, and then the daily tasks became tedious. I've killed two rosemary plants so far and my petunias aren't blooming like they would if I'd take the dead ones off.
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
I should be flossing, exercising, and reading actual books.
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
I should be meditating, not just half an hour a day, but 15 minutes twice per day. In reality I'm lucky if it's five minutes.I should also spend at least half an hour planning, outlining and writing my Great Novel. But I don't.
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
I definitely should be exercising that half hour or more. (You're right Beth, a half hour wouldn't do much) But of course I'm so exhausted all the time that any free time I do have is spent napping. (I should have been a cat I think). I should also spend that half hour a day straightening up my bedroom. I can keep the rest of the house spotless but my bedroom is just in shambles. I don't know why. You dont' walk into my room, you have to wade through the piles of clothes and cd's, toiletries, books, magazines, etc etc. It's just a mess. I should really spend some time in there.I giggled when I read about Jeremy's sticking hair to the shower wall habit. I do the same thing and it drives everyone nuts. I usually peel the hair off though, even if it is hours later.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999
Extra thirty minutes? Extra? In what fantasy life?The only reason that I have time to sit around online these days is because I'm still not allowed to go up and down stairs too much.
The myth of "extra thirty minutes" only applies to single people who live alone, work 9-5 jobs with five minute commutes and no "homework", have no significant others, local family, pets, houseplants, interests, activities or, well, lives.
At least that's *my* theory.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999
I should spend that extra half an hour with my wife away from the two boys, making love and cuddling. Anything else can wait.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999
I agree with your theory 100%, Dreama. I think the "extra thirty minutes a day" idea was invented by stay at home moms whose kids were in school (college, even) and who had live in housekeepers. That's the only thing I can come up with.Or maybe wealthy wives with no jobs, no kids, AND live in housekeepers.
Or maybe some damn man who couldn't figure out what his wife did with her time.
Anyway, I had to skip my thirty minutes of cleaning time yesterday because the dog had class, but this morning I cleaned the other bathroom in between eating breakfast and bathing. Now I'm going to take the whole weekend off and have fun. (And I just won't look at the kitchen floor, or the spot where the kitchen table would be if it weren't completely covered in junk.)
-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999
I am one of the few folks I know who have something like a surplus of time. I don't have cable, and since the mass die-off of Citadel BBS's in Sacramento, I only spend an hour or two in front of the computer typing things like this. I have enough free time to maintain my two-square-yard backyard garden (bastard fucking shithead slugs ate my basil last night! fuckers!), bake fresh bread or some other baked goods at least once a week, prepare home-cooked meals for my wife more nights than I don't, drive out to Citrus Heights for band practice once a week, and we do an hour-or-so walk around McKinley Park 4-5 times a week. Having a low-stress job helps: I don't have the "job aurora" most people have to deal with; an hour to get ready for work, an hour-long commute before and after, and two hours to "decompress" after a high-stress day. I take half an hour to go from smelly and unshaven in my boxers in front of the computer to BEING AT WORK. So I get an extra 4-5 hours of unsullied time. But, mostly, I think I have time to get stuff done because I don't have cable. Cable is the ultimate time-suck. I'll deal with missing the latest "South Park."
-- Anonymous, September 12, 1999
i should be studying german with that extra half an hour a day. instead, i'm usually busy goofing off with my best friend (who no longer lives downstairs but in another dorm - and if the question is, why aren't you living together, let me just say: his name is chris), reading something that ISN'T for class, or running up my long distance phone bill calling washington dc and cambridge, england.but who wants to do work when there are friends to play with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? college is so bad for my grades ... and isn't that just ironic?
-- Anonymous, September 13, 1999