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Hi, Does anybody know where to find a one-stop ministry resource for pastors? I found one that is great. The Pastor's Helper at:

-- Barry Davis (, September 07, 1999


I recently went to a seminar where some very fascinating information was presented about the church. I think this information is vital to every pastor, so I want to recommend this. The information at the seminar was from a new book.

This book is entitled "High Expectations - The Remarkable Secret for Keeping People In Your Church" by Thom Rainer (Broadman & Holman Publishers). This book gives practical advice about church leadership. There is really "nothing new" here. Its making what we have work more effectively (it already works, so it really isn't broke, but may need some adjustment).

I was pretty fired up after the seminar, and was even more so after reading the book! I recommend it heartily.

-- Dr. Jon F. Dewey (, December 07, 1999.

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