The " 2 step" button on Kodak 210plus : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

1. Does the "2 step" button works like in a auto-focus 35mm camera?? press to the first step and it will hold the focus at the center of the image and press to second step will take the photo?? 2. I have a problem on my print out. I am using the best quality to take the photo, and print out by a Epson Photo 700 not bigger than 4x6. I found there is blurry at the dark area of the photo, for example the hair, the tires of a car, etc And it becomes more serious when taking photo indoor and the background is dark. Is it my dc problem?? Can anyone help me?? Thanx fot the assistant. :>

-- Norman Chan (, September 06, 1999


It doesn't work that way, because the DC210+ has a fixed focus lens. That's about all I'm smart enough to say on the matter... Sorry... CW

-- Craig Wyzik (, October 11, 1999.

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