Making New Western Theme Photos, What is the org's site? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I was told that there is a national organization for studios that take old west pictures. I understand that they hold a convention every Feburary in Reno or Las Vegas. The pictures are sort of a novelty. If you know of how I can find that organization or other related web sites and subjects on that topic please please let me know.

-- Shawn Atchley (, September 06, 1999


There was a company called "Dr. Bloodgood's" that sold franchises and costumes, equipment, et. al. to interested parties. They started in California and now they're based in Florida. Don't know if they're on the web or not.

There was also a fellow in The Mall of America who did this sort of work and was one of the leading practitioners of the form (cough choke hack hack) ahem. No idea what his name is though. I imagine if you got hold of someone in Branson, MO. They'd be able to give you the name of a few folks that do this sort of thing and they may be able to steer you toward their association or guild or whatever.

-- Sean yates (, September 07, 1999.

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