Puppy abuse, or unbearably cute?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Don't worry; the saddle bags are empty. Eventually he'll pack in his own food and treats (he has his own water bottle, but I carry it), but for now he's just getting used to the pack.

And he only has to go a quarter of a mile, anyway.

If that wasn't enough cuteness for you, here's another one.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 1999


My vote is: cutest damned thing I have ever seen!

Thanks muchly for the dog food tip about ordering online. I owe you one!

-- Anonymous, September 05, 1999

he's positively adorable.. and there's no reason that he shouldn't pack his own stuff, when he gets a little older or more used to the pack. :) my dog loves it.

scrawl-for online journals

-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

Yup. Cutest Damn Thing. No Doubt about it!

Jane Doe

-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

I'd go for cuteness, but what does Doc say? He looks happy enough, but beneath that drooly puppy grin, there could be a heart breaking with dolefulness - on second thoughts, nah, it's just a drooly puppy grin.


-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

Cutest Damn Thing!

And thanks for the online dog food tip. With the three of them eating Iams like it's going out of style it's costing me a pretty penny.

I just ordered a digital camera, so expect to see more dog pictures than you can stand!


-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

You make me ill.

You, former postergirl for the revolution, now exploiting our four-legged friends for your own convenience.

Yes, it may get "awwww, isn't that cute" reactions from the bourgeoisie that you've made a comfortable home among, but is it right?

Deep down inside, you know that you're no better than other capitalist tools who benefit from the sweat and labor of the workers (be they furry or not) while sitting back and enjoying ill-gotten gains.

It is *Doc* that owns the means of production- it is *Doc* that should benefit.

And here you stand. I bet you haven't read one of these praising emails to Doc, have you?

Have you?!

Hang your head in shame, Xeney.

Pack dogs of the world, unite!

-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

I'll have you know, Mr. Mayfield, that I've read everyone of these e-mails to Doc. He was unimpressed with yours.

You have clearly never owned a dog. The modern dog is not an oppressed laborer; he is an aristocrat. (Cats are monarchs, but that's a different subject.) What is happening here is that the peasant class (that would be us, you mouthpiece of the ruling classes) are rising up and demanding that the aristocrats carry their own damn food into the woods.

Thanks to the kind of false propaganda you're spreading, I spent the weekend hauling his food around, scooping up his shit, and giving him water by hand. Do you by any chance work for the CIA?

-- Anonymous, September 07, 1999

the pictures made me squeal with delight...and i don't squeal with delight...at least not often....

cheers, eleanor

-- Anonymous, September 08, 1999

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