Anyone Know Where to Download DVMpeg?(For High Res. Stills In EZ-CD) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I saw a question about High Res. Stills that you can put for menu pages in EZ-CD Creator. The image you can have is 704x480. I found out that a program called DVMpeg can make one of those High Res. MPEG files. I tried the DEMO version & I think that that feature is off for the DEMO. I went to look for full version copy, but none of the links I found worked. If anyone knows how get the DEMo to work or has a link to the full version, it would great. Thanks For Any Help!!!
-- Jay (, September 04, 1999
-- hey hey (, April 25, 2001.
thank you
-- Vo Hoai Nam (, May 30, 2004.