rechargable batteries : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

OK! guys &gals I need your help again I went to BOOTS to get some rechargables for my kodak200plus they said that it would be a bad idea and they are told to say this they only had rayovec or their own I couldnot help or give them any info but I really enjoy my first digital camera and I am hoping to upgrade to a better model soon. For now you have been sending me info on filling my ink up, GREAT IDEA but because I am new I have lots of prints, waste lots of photography paper, and this is expensive help me save some cash, tell me what to buy and please I am in Scotland so I want to be able to go straight to a store and buy whatever you say

-- catherine (, September 03, 1999


you want NiMH batteries and a recharger. ("nickel metal hydride").

-- benoit (, September 03, 1999.

I would try going online and ordering from Thomas Distributing at: for what's usually the best deal going on Nexcell or other NiMH batteries and chargers. I'm not sure if they ship world wide, but an email would probably allow you to find out if they do. If not, a search for NiMH batteries would probably yield other vendors which ship internationally or are located nearer your country.

The only other recommendations I can make are that GP supposedly bmakes good NiMH batteries and that you might try a Radio Shack or an equivalent type store in your location. Radio Shack also sells NiMH's. Their better NiMH batteries are rated 1500Mah, and so may perform better than the 1350Mah Nexcells.

Good Luck!

-- Gerald Payne (, September 03, 1999.

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