Statistics exercise 2 answers... : LUSENET : NJMed Class of 2003 : One Thread

Hey guys, here are my answers; please check and confirm/deny (I wasn't sure about #7). Hey, someone told me that even though we have to hand this in, it's not graded...just marked 1 or 0 for handed in or not. Is that true?:

1. 930/1465=.63

2. 1023/1465=.7

3. 815/1465= .56

4. P(D+,T+)=P(D+)P(T+|D+)=(1023/1465)(815/1023)=.56=probability for 1 person, so take this to the 5th power for 5 => .053

5. 1-P(all have T+); P(all have T+)=P(T+)to the fifth=> so, 1-.63e5=.9

6. .63e5=>.1

7. 1-P(none have T+)=??

8. P(T+|D+)=815/1023=.8; sensitivity of the test.

9. P(T-|D-)=322/442=.74; specificity of the test.

10. P(D+|T+)=815/930=.88; predictive value of a positive test.

11. P(D-|T-)=327/535=.61; predictive value of a negative test.

12. blah blah blah

-- Omar Akhtar (, September 01, 1999


#5. Omar, your calculation for this one is wrong. There are two ways to find the probability that none are +: a) 1-P(1+4-)-P(2+3-)-P(3+2-)-P(4+1-)-P(5+)= b) P(5 negative) = (535/1465) to the 5th = 0.006 <-- EASIER

#7. P(at least one negative) = 1-P(all positive) = 1-0.1 = 0.9 P(all positive) from question #6

-- Irina Sigal (, September 01, 1999.

#5 it is (1-.63)e5

#7 5!/1!*5! * .63e4*.37e1

-- Mateusz Opyrchal (, September 01, 1999.

i agree with irina on #5... i got .0065

-- Fakhra Chaudhry (, September 01, 1999.

Guys, let's move this over to the students-njms bulletin board because it's better if we keep everything student related on that site.

Go to, log in, click on "Class" right under "Announcements" on the left hand side and it'll kick you right into the board.

I already posted this entire thread there.

-- Omar Akhtar (, September 02, 1999.

Omar, the "post reply" button on the student site does not work...


for #5 you have the same thing I do, just you had 0.63 rounded off, so your answer came out a little different. I used (535/1465)x^y5.

#7, on the other hand... If you look carefully, your calculation is for the probability of 1 negative and 4 positive, but the question asks for AT LEAST 1 negative.

-- Irina Sigal (, September 03, 1999.

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