CAMPUS MINISTRIES : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

This will be the area to post news and information about your campus ministry... Keep coming back, because it will continue to change as we receive more input from campus ministries across the nation!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999


Greetings! I have a question I sort of raised under the "ministrial associatons" thread. I serve as a campus minister at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. As a campus minister, I am required by the university to participate in the Inter Faith Council, a loosely grouped organization of campus ministers from all backgrounds, as well as leaders of other religious and quasi-religious organizations on campus (wiccans, tree-huggers, etc.).

I am interested in how other campus ministers have treated this area. I know that other C/M in CSF must participate to some degree with their respective "inter-faith groups." What about you?

-- Anonymous, September 02, 1999


I can't say that I am in the same boat as you by being required to join an "inter-council" type group. As a club/organization, we at UCF can simply have a faculty advisor and 12 students and we're good to go.

However, with that said, I found out the other day by talking to the guy who heads up "United Campus Ministries" at UCF (sorta like your inter-council) that if I get on board, our ministry will have a better standing at the university with more privileges (like a faculty/staff parking sticker for me!!). Anyway, he simply told me to write a short discription about myself and the ministry. Basically, because of the stigma on campus because of Boston/International Church of Christ, I told him upfront that we weren't them- we were from the same mov't though- certainly would agree doctrinally with them on many things- but generally had a major problem with their methodology- he was familiar with the Restoration Movement- but unfortunately from somewhat of a negative standpoint because of the Boston group. I say all of this to let you know that the way I am approaching the issue of joining with the "other campus ministries" is to clearly define who I/we are up front. I told him that we certainly did stress certain things that do stand out from other groups (e.g. baptism, discipleship, etc.)- that if any students who came to our group didn't like our emphasis, we could direct them toward Campus Crusade for Christ, Intervarsity, etc. where they could find what they were looking for.

So I guess what I am saying through all of this- is hey, go for the fellowship in anyway you can get it with these kinda university inter- council groups- as long as you don't have to compromise (you know, sign some kinda of statement of faith that would contradict clear teachings of Scripture) I'm guessing your "inter-council" doesn't require you to violate your conscience- and if that is the case- befriend these guys where you can- and keep the faith strong.

Take care, Jeff McDowell

-- Anonymous, September 05, 1999

Jeff -- you kinda hit it on the head. It's amazing how on the university campus the term "Church of Christ" carries such a bad taste. Here at IUP it is that way for two reasons: 1. International CofC (Bostom Movement) 2. Non-Instrumental CofC here in Indiana has done some things on campus that really would hurt us if we were associated with them.

Anyway ... we get the parking sticker, recognition as an "official"campus minister for the university, etc. No statement of faith ... just some participation in monthly meetings.

Thanks for the post! Let's get the word on this site out to other campus ministers so they can join in.

-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

sounds good Darrell- I'll pass the word along. Have a great day!


-- Anonymous, September 07, 1999

Why is it that so many of "our" college students shy away from campus ministries when they attend university?

I spoke with a campus minister from WV who has been involved in CM for a number of years now. His conclusion was that, at least for the students who attend his university, they are "bored" with worship services in our congregations, and are afraid the Christian Church / Church of Christ sponsored campus ministry will be the same.

I have a couple of students here at IUP who come from our non-denomination, and for those two, there just might be the case. They "grew up in church" but never were really challenged to have a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior. Now that they have graduated from high school, they feel they have graduated from church.

What do YOU think? If you are involved in campus ministry, how does your experience tie in with this? I know that the majority of students I will have involved in my ministry will come from "other" backgrounds. One CM I know, who has 100-125 every week in his fellowship, has only 2-3 from "our' background.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 1999

Thanks, Darrell,

That clarifies a lot. I sensed a much more Christlike attitude in some of the posters here than in others.

I am thankful for your ministry, even though I disagree on baptism.

May we all know His salvation, grace, justification and santification.

Also His mercy, grace and peace.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000

Thanks, Darrell,

That clarifies a lot. I sensed a much more Christlike attitude in some of the posters here than in others.

I am thankful for your ministry, even though I disagree on baptism.

May we all know His salvation, grace, justification and santification.

Also His mercy, grace and peace.

Hope this doesn't post twice; I'm having trouble posting it.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000

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