New design : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Love the look, what a great pic! Hee hee!!!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999


Beth... you're September site design rocks!!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

It *is* cool! Love the boobs. *laugh*

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

Thanks! Glad you guys like it!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

like the site redesign, beth. regarding the pic, do you really have all that hair?

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

this is the first time i've been on this site, so i can't really compare it to your older designs. but i really like it. I don't have to squint to see the menu. it's nice and clear! everything is so open. it's a nice simple design. what i AM confused about is why you put "Lizzie's Journal" on that cover picture. I thought you were Beth. hmmm.. i'm just confused. someone clue me in.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

Nita: no one who knows me in person would think even for a second that that photo is me. No, I do not have all that hair. I have short wispy blonde hair and a really bad haircut -- hence the journal title.

Penguin Boy: My first journal was written under the pseudonym "Lizzie," and a lot of people still think of me that way. The first journal was called "Dear Jackie Robinson: Lizzie's Journal." I now subtitle all my journals "Lizzie's Journal," just to provide some continuity.

A few times a week, I still get people who check back at the old Lizzie site and find themselves redirected here, without having any idea that I had been keeping a journal during the past year. The "Lizzie's Journal" is mostly for them. And for me, for sentimental reasons, I guess.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

A question for you all: I know this frameset sucks with the forum. I think the right side bar is the worst problem, but someone commented that the bottom bar was a problem. I really think it looks best with both of them there, but since the forum is the whole point of the frames, I'm open to suggestions. One thing I've considered is making the left frame narrower, but I don't know how it's appearing on your screens so I'm hesitant to make it narrower.

Any thoughts?

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

Yes, thoughts:

The bottom bar is only a "problem" for me because it means that all of something is not fitting in this frame. I'm not sure if that is what the other person meant when they complained about it, which is why I mention it.

On my browser, you have a good HALF-INCH of narrowing room on the left frame. I think it would look fine. Maybe even a lil' bit better because has it is tbhere 7is majority of black space iiiiiiiiii(Sebastian is helping me type here) between the left frame and the main frame.

Hope that helps.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

the whole thing looks wonderful on my computer, but i have a bigass monitor (19 inches) and the resolution set at 1024x840, so i'm at an advantage. my only problem is that i have to scroll down to get to the "submit" button, but that's so minor i overlook it for the really cool picture on the front page.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

I was the person who didn't like the bottom bar. It just makes the window in the middle seem too little, I guess. Kinda cramped up. Now that you mention it, the bar on the right is bugging me too, especially when entering things in the forum's text window. Maybe if it were gone I'd get over my bad attitude about the bottom bar.

I like the picture too.

and all of us Elizabeths are Lizzies, Beths, Elizas, Zibbys, whatever we please.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

Okay, I really hate the way it looks without the right frame or the bottom frame, so I'll probably just dump the frames entirely and we'll lose the in-frame link to the forum. But that way you'll have the full screen for posting.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

I was sneaking my journal reading in at work today and hit your site. I must admit you really got some whistles from the two males that were close enough to get a glance at my monitor;-)

Love to new design!

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1999

Okay, Lizzie, can you test this out and tell me if it's any better? I've played around with it without the right or bottom frame, and it looks terrible. If I go that route, I'll probably lose the dark color (maroon to those of you with newer video cards, black to those of you in 8 bit color) entirely because it just looks better.

I've had a very frustrating morning playing around with this -- I started to ditch the frames entirely but then realized exactly how many links I'd have to change, and exactly how frustrating it was going to be to come up with new navigation. So hopefully this works.

On my computer, at 800 x 600, I can post in the forum without horizontal scrolling (although a scrollbar does appear, I don't need it). At 640 x 480 everything is more or less a mess, but you can get around and you can read the entries -- as far as I'm concerned, that's a victory at that resolution. And at higher resolutions everything should be just dandy.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 1999

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