Do animals like you best? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Animals always like me. Cats more than dogs, probably because I'm slightly afraid of dogs at first. Eventually dogs always like me.

The only animal that didn't like me best was a cow named Tuesday who hated women. She loved my dad, though.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999


dogs love me. dogs have always loved me. the fact that i used to be very nervous of them, their largeness and their ability to knock me over without really trying, didn't help. oh and that one time i got attacked by a dog while walking to school was probably a factor.

since living with a family that had a VERY large VERY friendly german sheppard, i'm not scared of (known) dogs anymore. he had huge ears and those crazy-expressive eyebrows and the sweetest eyes. rocky and i got along just fine once i learned to raise my knee so he could ran into it. he was always trying to jump on me; it's a good way to stop a big dog.

i love cats. i'm a definite cat person. and cats - well as a kid i used to really go after them. like "comeERE KITTY and snuggle with ME!" i didn't quite get that the best way to a cats attention is to ignore them completely. i get it now. they lllluuuvvvvv me. all my friends pets end up on my lap or sniffing my hand in seconds. it's cool.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

Dogs LOVE me. Brandy and Ginger prefer me to Dave. Mack is somewhere in the middle, but he loves me a lot.

Dave refers to me as the 'Doggie Lady'. Almost any dog I stop and pet will lick my face. Even dogs that their owners say they don't lick anyone.

Even cats love me, despite my allergy.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

Well, I like to think my cats like me best. However, Cinsand likes everyone, so he probably doesn't. All of the outside cats seem to flock to me, even if they don't want me to touch them. "Let me walk around your feet and mew at you. But don't pet me! What are you, CRAZY?" I have been diligently making friends with the neighborhood cats the past few days, and I think the white cat across the street has decided to love me. (I do have an unreasonable fear of orange cats, based on the fact that pretty much all the cats who have ever attacked me have been orange. But some of them have decided to like me now.)

Dogs, on the other hand... Some of them like me, some seem to want to eat me. None of them like me best.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

Animals do like me best. So do toddlers and psychotics. At parties I'm often surrounded by a wide variety of Guests Who Drool, of varying ages and species. I believe its because I talk quietly and move slowly. Of course, I wish other demographics found me similarly appealing. But Im just not inherently attractive to millionaires or supermodels or geniuses. Unless, of course, they're baby millionaires or schizophrenic supermodels or cat geniuses.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

Well, as we were growing up, all our pets loved my brother more. Either that, or his heated water bed. *Smirk*

Then I got my OWN first cat, and OF COURSE, he loved me most.

And Jezz (my present cat) loves me more than Jake, though that might be debatable at times. (= *His* cat, Aliera, used to HATE me, but has been INCREDIBLY sweet the past month or so. I think I'll steal her away from Jake! Muhuahah

And with our newest addition, who has yet to be named, it seems to be a toss-up. He'll mew and mew and mew when he's in his box, then I pick him up and he mews and mews and mews, but purrs and purrs and purrs too, and licks my face to death (I think he's just looking for foodies!), and when Jake holds him, he doesn't meow, but he doesn't purr either. We've only had him for 2 days though, so we'll see.

*Rubbing hands together* I'll have him for my very own! MUhuahah!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

Cats adore me. I must have been a cat goddess in a previous life because when I walk into a house, cats that typically see someone new and sniff the air and run under the bed, react differently to me. I suddenly have the most timid cat in the world rolling on its back, giving me soft kitty belly and acting so adorable, that their adorability ranks up there with big brown puppy eyes under the dinner table. Cats do love me best.

Small dogs know that I loathe them. I'm not mean to them, I've tried to pet them, but when I look at a pekinese, I'm thinking...if I dropped that thing in a blender with kitten chow, I could feed all the cats at the SPCA. I think big dogs are cool, but the problem with dogs is they stink. It doesn't help that I can smell a cucumber starting to soften in the back of the drawer of a closed refrigerator. And dogs can't help that they stink.

The dogs that love me invariably seem to be droolers. I always fall for that saliva-sopped tennis ball at the feet trick and I throw the ball for them until the drool-flick factor hits saturation and starts trickling down my arm. I grew up with three border collies (Mike, Bonnie and Molly) who all went into a barking frenzy at the mention of "stick." I therefore blame my throw-the-ball reflex on my upbringing by my dogs.

Anyone got a towel?

-- Anonymous, September 02, 1999

Animals usually like me, but I don't always like them.

I like the well-behaved, intelligent types.

Same goes for children.

-- Anonymous, September 02, 1999

Our cat loves my husband best. I pet her more and feed her more and talk to her more and she sits with me more, but she loves him best anyway.

He pets her (and all cats) by rubbing the tip of his forefinger on the top of her head between her ears so the poor thing has grown up thinking that is the most loving caress a human can give. Even when I'm petting her all over she eventually asks to be rubbed on the top of her head. Poor little warped thingy.

But, like Beth, I'm philosophical - usually animals like me best - so it's okay with me.

-- Anonymous, September 02, 1999

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