: LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Well everyone, The school year is starting again and I am back at college for now. I hope to get my internet connection straight within a few days and up and running by next week. I am currently using my friends computer to fill this out. i hope all fo you are doing well and may the heavens watch over all of you.Wolfie
-- Wolfie (, August 31, 1999
Hey there Wolfie....glad to see your comin back...can't wait to chit chat with ya sometime...Cc...
-- Cc...(Stacey).....Classic_case... (, September 01, 1999.
Hi Wolfie - I've been searching for some new wolf av fodder. Maybe I'll have them done by the time I see you again. :D
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, September 13, 1999.