Waste of oxygen and polluting the air

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

What is the point of polluting the air and wasting so much oxygen? We have enough cars, industries and smog making, energy wasting devices. I have visited Reno in the last few Summers and am familiar with the burning man festival; but could not figure out the real purpose of it.

-- Reza Vahab (gvahab@sas.upenn.edu), August 30, 1999


The BLM just gave our 2001 site a clean bill of health. We passed our cleanup inspection with flying colors, and will spend effort next spring to search again for any debris that might have been covered by dust and resurface after the rains. BM volunteers have also expended man hours working hard to clean up old sites - as well sites in the desert that aren't even event sites.

-- (actiongrl@burningman.com), October 10, 2001.

Thank God! there is at least one sane person, [hopefully a lot more] who thinks the event contributes to pollution of air and ground. Reza Vahab

-- Reza Vahab (gvahab@sas.upenn.edu), August 02, 2001.

Reza Vahab is totally within his rights to ask about polluting the air, without glib sacastic answers like do you have a car.

There is opposition to the Burning man festival by environmentalists due to the sheer amount of waste left behind by revellers attending the event.

We should all be a little more concerned about what we are doing to the environment - and that includes the (rich) organisers of the burning man

-- liz scratch (liz@spaced.co.uk), July 09, 2001.

I do not have a car. I use public trasporation, and walk as much as I can beacuse I need to shed a few pounds.

-- Reza Vahab (gvahab@sas.upenn.edu), May 14, 2000.

so when are you giving up your car?

-- johnny jensen (jonnyj@webtv.net), May 12, 2000.

I can't speak for anybody else, and I can only assume you're whining about... screwing up the environment out in the desert...? But they do a very good clean-up job, and if you're concerned about air pollution, your efforts would be better spent in large cities and industrial areas.

Your question was incoherent, and if I had to guess, I'd say you have problems understanding a lot of things besides Burning Man.

-- Robert Holder (bedlam@crystalnight.com), September 09, 1999.

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