Use of CD-R Golds? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

If a CD-R videoCD plays in a DVD/VCD player is there a reason why it should not be used, I seem to remember reading that golds were not recommended - Why?

Both Kodak Gold and Mitsui Gold played in the Phillips DVD (model 725 I think) and the Mitsui so far is the only CD-R of 5 brands to play back in all players I have tested that have been capable of playing CD-R VCD's.

I have been unable to locate in Adelaide South Australia the so called double silvers you all talk about.

I received what I think is a double silver from Vienna in Austria and the Mitsui Gold was the closest looking disc I could find here. Its quite expensive as it is supplied with the surface for silk screen printing and I do not require that.

Any comments anyone?

-- Ross McL (, August 29, 1999


Use Kodak Silver Plus.

-- EMartinez (, August 30, 1999.

Thanks will check that out, and thanks to Marc in Melbourne Australia who can supply "double silvers" also.


-- Ross McL (, August 30, 1999.

You might want to check out this website:

The maintainer has a list of which CDR media works with which DVD players. I personally own a Pioneer DV-414 and I've found that green disks (CMC Magnetics in particular) work the best. They're also the cheapest. My no-name brand silver/blue disks tend to not get recognized about 2 out of 3 times I insert it into the player.

-- Jim B (, September 01, 1999.

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