INKS : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Can anyone give me some advice on ink I have been told that I can fill my lexmark with ink myself but what kind of quality would I expect to get.

-- catherine (, August 29, 1999


Catherine, I refill my Epson ink cartridges all of the time and have never had a quality issue. I am not familiar with the Lexmark printer, but refilling can get messy, but the saving is fabulous. I went to Yahoo (or some other search engine) and did a search of refilling inkjet cartridges and found a bunch of sites that sell inks as well as kits for refilling. I went to the local pharmacy, assured them that I was not a crazed junkie, and purchased a syringe. We use Encad inks at work, so I just pull ink from the reservoir with the syringe and inject it into the cartridge (being careful not to overfill). The price (free) makes it worth some ink stains on my hand. We also have a 42" Encad inkjet printer, so when I print a smaller sized print with it I save the excess paper and trim it down, bring it home, and use it rather than relegate it to the trash. I have been learning to be resourceful. Good luck to you. It really is quite easy with the Epson


-- fred deaton (, August 30, 1999.

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