Has anyone gone through buying burnout?

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I went to Sam's today and I left without buying anything. I pushed my buggy around and around and could not make myself put anything in my cart. I was simply tired of buying stuff! I did not want to buy anymore food even though I know I should. I have never felt like this before now. I am so glad I do have my preparations 90% done because the way I am feeling now, I would never start to prepare. I can easily understand how over whelming it may seem to someone who has just started and has so little time and money. Is it getting harder for you to prepare?

-- Carol (glear@usa.net), August 28, 1999


Yep. How many more trips can I make to Aldi's to load up on canned goods? We'll eventually run out of food and die anyway. I've about reached the end of my preps, not because I have enough, but because there is a limit to how much disaster I want to survive. If it gets so bad that all of my loved ones are gone, I'll just join them. (By the way Carol, you give yourself away as a southerner by calling the shopping cart a buggy.)

-- Pearlie Sweetcake (storestuff@home.now), August 28, 1999.

LOL, and I am a fixin supper!

-- Carol (glear@usa.net), August 28, 1999.

I have felt the same way, food, food, medicine, tools, ect. Buy buy buy..burned out, then my grandbaby comes over and I give her an extra big hug & kiss..don't feel as bad anymore. Is the sale still going on at big K?

-- Dan Bruce (dbruce@usa.net), August 28, 1999.

Today my husband and I went to a yard sale. We spent maybe $50.00 and nothing was y2k related. This is the first time in over a year that I've spent money for entertainment. I got a wonderful bookcase for $10.00, a shadow box for $2.00, a stuff animal for my beagle who loves to rip them up....just junk that I could do without.

But you know what...I needed that junk. I needed the break from all of this.

-- Mabel Dodge (cynical@me.net), August 28, 1999.

I began preparing over a year ago. I can relate to how you are feeling. I've had to allow myself periods of time to relax and enjoy life for the sake of enjoying life while it is enjoyable!!! After a period of rest and relaxation, it is easier to continue to prepare. Good luck..

-- Leslie (***@***.net), August 28, 1999.

Hello everyone

Boy can I relate! I alternate between despair, disbelief and preparation. Today I too went to a garage sale, picked up a stroller for my grandson to use. Met a young mom who lives around the corner who when she saw me buying for my grandson asked me if I needed a playpen. She brought it around and would not take money for it. I had a pleasant chat with her and her children.

After she left I asked my husband whether we could ever turn someone like that away if they needed help if Y2K hits really bad. He said no - definitely not - if fact we will help anyone who needs it to the best of our ability. I was so happy to hear him say it.

So I am stocking up extra hugely on rice and beans, and have bought a big Berkey water filter. If necessary I can keep quite a few people going for water for six months or so and for food I'm not sure, but a lot. Hopefully they can help us too, especially if we need defence.

I live in Toronto - 2.4 million people. In the ice storm that hit Canada last year there was a lot of help amongst neighbours. I am hoping this will happen if there is another emergency. I hope I can stay strong and always do the right thing. I don't want to survive only to live like an animal, solitary and suspicious. Heaven help us that it does not come to this. It may not. We may suffer some hard times, but not TEOTWAWKI.

I really value this forum and the people on it. God Bless.

-- citygirl (citygirl@idirect.com), August 28, 1999.

More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly. --w allen

-- tc (trashcan-man@webtv.net), August 29, 1999.

Yes, I've reached burn-out too. I think actually it may be your common sense telling you you've reached your stash comfort level. Then all it takes is a week with a rotten cold or some time hobbling on an injured foot so that you use your pantry goods more than usual, and you realize you need to replace what you used. Then you go and get about that amount extra with the week's groceries.

I wonder if anyone has ahres my feelings over Dennis? I've always had some hurricane/ice storm supplies but there was always a need to go out and get stuff right before a storm was due. Not this time! I'm completely prepared and it feels VERY uncomfortable not to be checking to see what I need. The habits of 32 years (since I arrived in this country) are hard to break.

-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), August 29, 1999.

As the "New Kid" in this forum neighborhood I've found myself up late several nights in a row reading old prep threads in a last minute attempt to educate myself. I've been prepping off and on for about 6 months or so, seems i vascilate between mad storage and denial (grin). Anyway, during my fervant reading I've kept a notebook handy with a shopping list on it where I've written down your suggestions, feedback, and comments to one another. Yesterday found me at Walmart, K-Mart, the kitchen store at the mall, Freddys, the hardwares store, and the local lighting and plumbing outlet. All I can say is "I resemble that remark" to Carol and those others of you feeling the same way. Still can't bring myself to get the trunk unloaded. As I read the newly posted threads I now see that this shopping stuff never ends. I've already added a few more of your suggestions to my "List" and guess I'll be taking another run at it again soon, just not today.

A brief note of thanks to all you regulars who share your experience, strength and hope to us newcomers, THANK YOU !!......Your words of wisdom have encouraged me to keep my head out of the sand and my hands busy as we get ready to walk this road of destiny. Although the outcome is still yet unsure, I know myself and my children will have a much better start thanks to you all. May God bless and keep you and yours throughout whatever comes ahead. Keeping us all in my prayers.....

-- New Kid on the Block (BetterGetPrepped@aol.com), August 29, 1999.

Great question. I do burnout-worry-guilt, then I do it again. For one guy and a cat stocking a years' food & stuff is easy. Rotation has become impossible. Yet, when I talk to neighbors and relatives (very gingerly at this point) about y2k I come away feeling the need to buy even more. Actually find myself asking what THEY like to eat! Bring it on! This endless loop is a killer.

-- Carlos (riffraff1@cybertime.net), August 29, 1999.

I have been tired of buying things for a while. Recently, my wife, who was giving me moral support has begun to bring things home on her own. Perfect timing.

I also go through cycles and there is not much time left to have any "down time".

-- Mike Lang (webflier@erols.com), August 29, 1999.

I find myself saying "that's it I'm not buying anymore food." (I have enough for two people for a year with some extra for others) Then something comes along that shakes me up again, and off I go to the grocery store, SAMS, etc.

I am beginning to think I do not have a comfort level and that really scares me. With all of my preps, deep down, I am not sure that I am mentally prepared for anything bad to happen.

Sure I go buy clothesline and clothes pins and whatever I think I can make do with to wash and dry clothes. But underneath I am rebelling at the thought of hand washing clothes.

I have enough camping stoves (3 of them), a grill to bake on(in), box ovens, lanterns, etc. to see us through our cooking needs. But deep down I keep telling myself that while camping is fun, it won't be when it's every darn day.

I have taken the steps to ensure that I will be able to use my well, with a hand pump or a good old fashioned bucket. But deep down I keep thinking about lugging water to the house every time I want to use it, and I get very uneasy.

Then, I review all these feelings, think about not having anything to do these things with, and voila, back to the stores I go. It's a nasty, vicious circle.

Sorry to turn this into a rant session. I am in the down and depressed cycle I guess. Thanks for being here to listen. It helps to know I am not alone.


-- Dian (bdp@accessunited.com), August 29, 1999.

I, too, have found myself vacillating from the buy-don't buy modes, and solved it with two categories of prepsready made and ready to be made. When I tried to envision "what will I need," the obvious came forthfood, water, etc. I then played a type of prep-game: What will I do when _____ happens. The scenarios included: I just got two broken windows from a good storm (a three day?:)/ How will I repair it? Do I have the wood, saw, hammer, nails, caulk, etc? My radio broke: Can I get another? Can I make one? Can I fix it? With what? A water pipe cracked. Do I have the materials on hand to deal with it? How can I get in touch with family who live 16 miles away? These questions deal with resourcefulness and creativity with materials on hand. I am now including in my preps the raw materials and simple tools to solve the problem I can't foresee. BTW, I had an old hand saw that I used to consider useless. I just got it sharpened and set and in many ways is less time consuming to use than a power one, works well and needs no extension cord. Set about in your preps to include raw materials. You will find it stimulating. Not sure how to use hand tools well? Now is the time to learn, and you will probably find the undertaking quite invigorating for you well being. Keep asking yourself the "What will I do if " questions and a whole new project will open up. Best regards, Pete

-- Pete (phytorx@lanset.com), August 30, 1999.

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr near Monterey, California

I started preparing in early February, and haven't yet ever stopped wanting to buy things, although I am beginning to run out of money (unless I start dipping into the credit cards, which I really hope to not do). What I have found, though, during the past three months or so, is that I have lost the will to put things away. This, even though I know how important it will be to not have things strewn all over the house, in the event of an "inspection." I can't bring myself to empty the trunk of my car until it's actually time to leave the house to go get more.

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage.neener.autospammers--regrets.greenspun), August 30, 1999.

I find that there's certain things I just keep wanting to buy. Every time I go to the store I clean the Shelves of the less expensive 10 lb bags of rice. I view each one as a couple of more days insurance. The wood just keeps drifting in by the cord. Toilet paper is plentiful. I'm sure I need to catch up on many of the other things, but I think I abstractly place importance on certain measures of y2k "wealth and power". (This is a phrase my wife and I use when we drive by a farmer's field and see an unusually large quantity of firewood.)

I guess my last push will be to try to systematically balance up the stash a once and for all.

-- Dave (aaa@aaa.com), August 30, 1999.

If you feel burned out, take a break!

You take a vacation from your job, sometimes, right? Y2k can be a real pain. Don't push yourself until you snap.

If you've done enough to feel burned out, you have nothing to be ashamed of if you take a day/weekend off. My wife and I often bug out on weekends and refuse to do ANYTHING about Y2k. Be nice to yourself.

-- bw (home@puget.sound), August 30, 1999.

I think that you need to ask yourself just what it is you're preparing for? And for how long. And- then- do you have enough whatever for that scenario or time? and then- let it be if that is the case. I've basically concentrated on canned goods and stuff like that- with some misc. hardware, gas cans and the like as well. can't just go out and buy lots of stuff- not much money to do that- so every bit has to count and be usable. Do we have enough? don't know- that depends on what happens. Just doing what I can- but I understand your feelings. Don't wanna go to Wal-Mart- actually- I hate shopping anyway. But there is always that eeling that we whould buy more/store more/forgot somethig, etc. but the reality is- we can't know just what will happen, what we'll need, what will be in short supply- we can't possibly store it all- unless we can take home an entire hardware store, grocery store, auto parts store and Wal-Mart-

-- farmer (hillsidefarm@drbs.com), August 30, 1999.

I'm no where near as well prepared as I want to be...so I'll continue to buy reguarly. But, yes, some weeks I do feel burned out...especially if there are no sales on good prep items. And some weeks, ice cream is on sale! (No use storing it, so might just as well eat it now...)(grin, with cholocate dripping down my beard)

-- Mad Monk (madmonk@hawaiian.net), August 30, 1999.

But it doesn't last long! I had to go to the store tonight and I ended up with as much as I could carry of "buy ones-get ones!" And I remembered I needed to stash dill cubes for our version of potato salad--cleaned 'em out of what was on the shelf! (Only 5 jars; they had tuna on "buy one-get one" too.) I'm so glad Dennis has gone by so I don't have to feel funny about not buying hurricane stuff.

-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), August 30, 1999.

Old Git:

What are dill cubes?

-- Carol (glear@usa.net), August 31, 1999.

"How many more trips can I make to Aldi's to load up on canned goods? We'll eventually run out of food and die anyway. I've about reached the end of my preps, not because I have enough, but because there is a limit to how much disaster I want to survive"

HA HA HA! DEJA VU! bigtime!

"during the past three months or so, is that I have lost the will to put things away."

Still MORE deja vu!

whew! Y2K is a trip!

-- alan (foo@bar.com), August 31, 1999.

I haven't really burned out on the buying part, but Oh Sweet Mary and Joseph, do I relate to the putting it away part.

My wife and I are terminal packrats, so it's not like there's a lot of free space in the house, anyway. What free space there was, was termed "living space". We now no longer have a dining room, because I can't clear storage space in the basement fast enough. My intent is always to try to do a little each day towards organizing the stores, but most days I just kick the beans out of the way, and keep going.

-- Bokonon (bok0non@my-Deja.com), August 31, 1999.

Yes, I sometimes don't even want to go to the grocery store because I don't want to keep buying the same prep items over and over. But...

Last night I went to Ingle's for a bag of pretzels, and just to get something I got yet another packet of Winston Lights book matches for 45 cents.

If matches were pennies, I'd be a millionaire!

-- GA Russell (ga.russell@usa.net), September 01, 1999.

Oh yes. My wife and I bought up the world during the first quarter. I put together 6 sets of steel shelves in the spare bedroom and we filled them up with groceries (canned you-name-it). I have 2 generators (one for us, one for mum-in-law. it's either that or she lives with us. Get it?), a tank for fuel storage, and 3 small (40-gal) propane tanks, etc. etc. Then I think, "What will I need gas for if I don't have a job?" and, "If I HAVE a job, that means they have electricity, which means there's gas somewhere, so I'll be able to get some too, so why store any?" But here's the bottom line that helped me decide... would you rather be the guy who HAS the supplies and doesn't need them (and take a little ridicule), or be the guy who NEEDS the stuff and doesn't have it (and kick yourself for the rest of your life)? I'll be the guy being laughed at, thank you.

By the way, ultimately, here's what you need: a .357 magnum and a 12-gage shotgun. With a .357, you can shoot .38, .357, and snake shot. With the 12-gage, you can shoot anything from bird shot to buckshot to slugs to salt shot.

I'm crazy, you say? Not really. If things get as bad as all that, you'll need something to keep your firewood, generator, and canned beanie-weenies from getting away from you. You'll also need some help getting from point A to point B, whether you have to walk or drive. That's what the .357 is for. And if things stay bad for long, you'll be hunting for food and/or keeping the ruffians off your doorstep. That's what the shotgun is for. Two versatile weapons, with very common ammunition that can be found just about any place where ammo is sold.

So keep on shopping, but don't be so naive to think that the hungries are going to knock on your door and say "Can I borrow a can of soup?"

....my 2 cents worth.


-- Bob (bob@beentheredonethat.com), September 02, 1999.

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