greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

ok guys. after last night's unexpected crowding of exile (yah!)..a few of us have decided to gather again tonight (saturday)! so...party for the heck of it...at 8:30 central. hope to see everybody (again....hehe).

-- Medea..(noelle) (medea1968@hotmail.com), August 28, 1999


Sorry...I wont make it...I have a date (kinda sorta...LOL)...maybe if you are still partying at midnight...I can catch some of the fun....

-- Sunflower Girl (sunflowergirl1@excite.com), August 28, 1999.

Damn..missed the party. I hope it was fun, fun, fun! Hope to catch the crowd next time. & Hey medea..a party is always a good idea. I always liked your spirit for get togethers! c u soon.... Jas (goal__)

-- Jasmine B (shteffi@hotmail.com), August 29, 1999.

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