ICQ Stuff

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

ok...I just took over the ICQ Activelist server for MARP...looks like I'm going to be the sysadmin.....so you may have to change some settings or stuff from the old ver. the # is 47508259 if it's asking you to reconnect

Bear with me all....I'm new at this.

And remember, you need ICQ99b to use Activelists...if you can't download it, contact me, and I'll send it to you.

feel free to comment or e-mail me about this. Kinda felt it was time to start giving something back to the site, and I think this'll be a great way to tie the community together.


-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), August 27, 1999


Well, now I'm not so sure about things. I hadn't realized that JSW was staying on to run the server as well, and it doesn't seem that both of us can manage it at once....attempting to do so just not only crashed both my regular ICQ and my Activelist Server, but broke them as well.

Needless to say, some of you will now be getting reconfirmation requests from me. JSW, if you get this, we need to talk.

-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), August 28, 1999.

Is there an efnet IRC channel for MARP?

-- Dave Kaupp (info@kaupp.cx), August 28, 1999.

To my knowledge Dave, there was - but the idea fell through :(

On a somewhat of a side note, I never liked EFNet - woulda supported some medium or small-sized network...

-- Gameboy9 (goldengameboy@yahoo.com), August 28, 1999.

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