Where can I get cheap Blank VCD?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Need to find blank VCD.Anybody.Please give me info of any distributor or manufacturer.Thank you.
-- Steve Yoong (tradeflex@yahoo.com), August 27, 1999
A blank VCD is nothing more than a blank CD. You could find them cheaply at your local best buys, fry's, etc.
-- (jellyrol@sfsu.edu), August 28, 1999.
There is no such thing as a Blank VCD. A VCD contains MPEG-1 video data, which can be used to watch a movie or video clips etc. on a computer with a cd-rom drive, most standard dvd players and of course any standalone vcd player. If a VCD was blank, it would just be a blank cd-r.
-- Micheal Mason (SYKES72@aol.com), September 14, 2001.
My comment is about the CD-R being a blank cd.If a DVD Player will not play a VCD that is burned on a CD-R,then why will it play the same movie that is burnt onto a CD-RW instead.Or the professional made VCD's?MY DVD Player will not play a Cd-R VCD,barely will play a CD-RW VCD,but will play the professional made ones perfectly.
-- lara (candyperfumegirl01@yahoo.com), October 15, 2001.
u Are a fucking dum ass mother fucker pisss off if you no fuck all about computers and file types and the way cd-vcd-dvd all work
-- ghfg (gfd@hgf.hotmail.com), October 29, 2001.
I just got a DVD Player and it says that it plays video cd's. How would i get downloaded movies to play on the DVD player, Ive tried to but it wont play CD-R's or CD-RW's with movies on them.Where can I buy a VCD that is blank so I can make my own movies on them?
-- jordan... (blindside353@hotmail.com), December 31, 2001.
You can download movies from KaZaA, which you can download from anywhere, all you need from there on is a blank cdr and a cdrw, just copy it on to disc and yer cookin', good luck :-)
-- kat lindenberg (hackinhoney@hotmail.com), May 21, 2002.