Spraying in the litter box

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have a 3 year old maine coon and he doesn't squat when he urinates. I have a covered litter box and use clumping litter. He shares the box with another cat and I clean it out once a day. Before I had a uncovered litter box and he would get urine all over the wall and the floor. He doesn't make any noises when he urinates and acts happy. I don't know if has a problem with sharing a litter box or if it's to small or if he has a health problem.

-- Anonymous, August 27, 1999


I have a female who does the same thing. She began spraying when she suffered from Feline Urilogical Syndrome at about 2 yrs. old (she's now 12), was treated with medication & changed her diet to a higher quality food, and she has never had a reoccurance. However, she still sprays when she urinates - she has never squatted since her problem 10 years ago. I would recommend having your cat checked by a vet just to make sure their isn't a medical condition. If he's fine, we learn to live with it (sad but true). I don't use a covered box but a large, deep rubbermaid storage box (about 22 inches high). It keeps the urine in, and is much easier to wipe out each day! Good luck!

-- Anonymous, September 06, 1999

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