entry-level dcamgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
Weekly newspaper (circ@24,000) about to go digital insofar as picture taking. Budget very limited. Should we go with a camcorder & accessories to download images to Mac, or is a digital still camera best. Of the latter, what are the best in the under-$500 category and the $500-$800 range. We'll be using for real estate pix & general news coverage
-- john andrus (ccreminder@att.net), August 25, 1999
Don't go with the camcorder as of yet. I wont go into the techie side of things but I will tell you that for the budget you have, it's nto the way to go. the new Nikon Coolpix 950 is the way to go. For just under $1000 you have a 2.1 megapixel digital camera. I can not think of ANY better option for you. There is a great review here on Dirk's site - click on camera corner.Zack Arias
-- Zack Arias (zack@usedfilm.com), December 07, 1999.