What's so special about July 11, 1999?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Why do does the July 11 entry occupy a permanent place in the left frame of the Bad Hair Days web site? Not that it's a bad entry, but it's far from the Best Of Xeney, if only because there is not single threat of violence to another person.

Is it just that there is some kind of rule that Frames Must Be Used?

-- Anonymous, August 25, 1999


I hate to admit this, Jim, but I have no idea what you're talking about. My left frame has the August calendar, links to the forum, links to the archive, e-mail, and mailing lists, and a home link.

Is everyone else seeing what Jim is seeing? I'm very confused.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 1999

I'll try and reproduce the problem:

1) Clear my IE 5.0 browser cache.

2) Check that my hotlist has the correct url. It has www.xeney.com .

3) Select this off my hotlist and I get the described display. July 11, 1999 is in the side frame, and the calendar is in the main frame. Screenshot sent via email.

Now start the weirdness:

4) Go to home page 5) Type in www.xeney.com 6) I get the correct display, with the calendar on the side and the Bad Hair Days logo is in the main frame!

I now think that this is some kind of IE5.0 weirdness, not a problem with www.xeney.com, but I'm not a good enough HTML coder to tell for sure.

Thanks for a great site.

Jim Howard

-- Anonymous, August 25, 1999

After seeing the screen shot, I have two thoughts: one, it's probably something to do with the cache, and two, maybe you accidentally dragged that entry into the left part of the frame at some point?

I only recently found out that you could drag documents into frames. I did it accidentally, and boy did it mess up my browsing experience. Now I'm very careful not to drag.

Glad it's working now. Let me know if there are any more problems, and I'm sure I'll be just as unhelpful as I was this time around!

-- Anonymous, August 26, 1999

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