Picking your brains about my setupgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Questions, questions =) I've only got a lowly STB TV PCI tuner card and have been playing with it's capture abilities. I was playing with RealMedia formats, but from what I've done so far, MPEG/VCD puts it to shame.I'd like to increase the quality of what I'm grabbing now. I'm currently using AVI_IO to capture, but the best I can get is 320x240 at 15fps. Any suggestions how I can pump out at least 30, if not get it captured at 640x480. The box is K62-300/64mb It only has an older WD 1.6gb HD, so I dont have much capture space. I was thinking of solving this with an IBM Ultrastar UDMA 7200 RPM drive. Could a better drive improve my capturing abilities?
Also, I've been playing around with the different AVI->MPEG programs and reading what people have to say. I've been using avi2mpg1 (from http://www.mnsi.net/~jschlic1/). Any comments on this program's quality?
Ok, lastly, the readme for avi2mpg1 says that Adaptec made changes from CD Creator 3.0x to 3.5x that make the VCD mpeg's produced by this program no good with 3.5. Has anyone used this program for encoding and built VCDs with WinOnCD? I've got CD Cr. 3.0 standard and 3.5 Del (standard doesnt have the VCD creator) so I'm SOL with the software I have on hand.
Thanks in advance for any help -Shawn
-- Shawn O'Shea (sko@eth0.net), August 25, 1999