Early periodical, "The Railroad Journal," pub. by Brotherhood Publishing, Atlanta

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am trying to find the repository of the periodical "The Railroad Journal." It was published in Atlanta by Brotherhood Publishing Company in the first half of 20th century. I found reference in a Pacific NW RR site--they have one copy but don't know where a real collection is. Anybody know?

-- Langdon Oppermann (langdonop@aol.com), August 24, 1999


I'm familiar with the Railroad Herald, published in Atlanta from about 1890 to 1920, but not the Railroad Journal. The Herald and just about every other RR periodical known to man used to be in the late, great Interstate Commerce Commission library in Washington. Unaccountably, their holdings were given to the University of Denver some years ago, and at last report, the collection was still in storage. You might try calling the UofD library and see what the latest is. Also, the Library of Congress presumably would have most periodicals on file including the one you are after.

-- Larry Goolsby (LGoolsby@aphsa.org), August 24, 1999.

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