Casio QV 10A : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have purchased a used Casio QV10A camera. It has pictures stored in the protect mode. I do not have a manual and would like delete them from this mode. Any Info would be appreciated. Thanks Ted

-- Ted Lopez (, August 23, 1999


i just got turned onto a casio QV-10A and i have a book but i dont have the nessary items to get the film from the camera to my computer.any clue where i might find them? Sheron

-- sheron (, November 28, 2002.

hi there, i just bought the same camera and it included only a tv out cable. what you need to buy for your pc is 1. RCA cable 2. TV tuner card from there a software of the tv tuner can be used to manage the pics.

hope this help

-- Lawrence Abaya (, July 08, 2003.

I, too, have a Casio QV-10A digital camera, but I can't retrieve my pictures from it becase my software,video cable,power cable and operators manuel were lost in transient (when I moved). Could someone please give me an address and parts distributor so I could once agaiun use this valuable camera. Thank you.

-- Clarence Aldrich (, August 01, 2003.

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